Governance and the Rule of Law
- Vaccines have begun in Barbados due to doses received from abroad. India donated 100,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to Barbados as a gesture of solidarity, enough for 50,000 people or approximately 17% of the country. China has also indicated willingness to donate 30,000 doses of its Sinopharm vaccine.
- Barbados is also receiving vaccine doses through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program. They are expected to receive 100,800 doses total by the end of May.
- Over 60,000 vaccine doses were administered by the end of March. The government has stated that they intend to cover the entire adult population in May.
- Barbados has extended the national state of emergency until at least March 2021, but reopening measures have begun following the last spike of COVID-19 over the winter season. Prime Minister Mia Mottley urges compliance with the remaining restrictions, including mask mandates and size restrictions on gatherings.
- There is a weekend curfew from 11 PM to 5 AM.
- The Barbadian government prioritizes negotiation for increased collaboration with multilateral and extra-regional institutions. As a result, the region received $1.7 billion in emergency funding.
- Nurses and doctors from public and private practices have contacted the Ministry of Health in order to help administer the vaccine to the public.
- The Prime Minister and her cabinet ministers televise informational sessions with Q&A, which elevates transparency and explains protection measures.
- Virtual courts have been introduced for urgent legal cases, such as cases of domestic violence.
- A group of nurses from Cuba that were sent to Barbados to assist with the COVID-19 outbreak are remaining in the country until at least April 2021.
- Commercial flights to Barbados have been reopened since July 2020. In order to enter the islands from a medium or high-risk country, travelers must present a negative PCR test taken within 72-hours of arrival. Quarantine and testing policies vary based on the vaccination status of foreign visitors.
- According to the Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Anton Best, one challenge for contact tracing efforts is the shame and stigma associated with bringing illness into the community. Best encouraged everyone to provide accurate information if asked by the government.
See Select Resources for Governance and the Rule of Law
Growth and Innovation
- The tourism industry accounts for 45% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Barbados. It employs 15,000 workers directly and approximately 32,000 additional workers indirectly with tourism-related jobs and services.
- In the second half of 2020, there was a 99% contraction in travel exports, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. There was a 27% contraction in output for the same period.
- Barbados, which recently restructured its debt in 2018 and 2019, is in a state of debt distress and may be at risk of defaulting, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
- The Sandals resort reopened in Barbados on March 3. If other resorts follow, it could signal a beginning in the recovery of the tourism industry.
- To encourage tourism amongst vaccinated travelers, the Barbados government released a new set of travel protocols beginning in May that reduce quarantine length and require less COVID-19 testing.
- The government is introducing a stimulus package of up to $300 million called Barbados Employment and Sustainable Transformation (BEST) that incentivizes water conservation and renewable energy, among other environmental friendly practices. The package is targeted at hotels and tourism facilities.
- The government has announced a new type of visa, the Barbados Welcome Stamp, for foreigners who want to reside and work remotely in the country for a year.
- While Barbados welcomes remote workers, there is still concern and skepticism over the island’s ability to provide strong internet bandwidth.
- One of the government’s priorities moving forward is to strengthen the country’s digital environment to provide a platform for remote workers and digital businesses.
- The Central Bank administration acknowledges that the economy contracted for a third consecutive year due to postponed activity, but underscores that Barbados is on track with a revised debt repayment plan through an Extended Fund Facility (EFF) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- The government implemented a host of programs, such as a debt moratorium, tax relief, and supplemental income packages, to alleviate the blow to many businesses and Barbadians.
- The pandemic has paved the way for more e-banking and digital payments in the country.
- The Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley, has proposed the formation of a Caribbean Liquidity and Resilience Facility. Mottley believes that this effort to increase the liquidity of bonds from the Caribbean will make investment in the region more attractive and boost the economic recovery from COVID-19.
- United Nations (UN) Ambassador Elizabeth Thompson argued that the UN should pursue an “urgent capital injection into Caribbean countries and into [Small Island Developing State] SIDS economies” to help mitigate the economic devastation caused by COVID.
See Select Resources for Growth and Innovation
Social and Cultural Inclusion
- The Pan American Health Organization praised women’s role in responding to the COVID-19 health crisis in Barbados and highlighted female leaders in the health sector.
- Thirty-three convenience stores were allowed to reopen after being closed by national lockdowns. These mini-markets have been essential for rural communities without access to other supermarkets.
- Government officials have been going door-to-door across the country during the national lockdown to conduct surveys about health.
- Conditions inside Barbados’ prison are stable, following an outbreak of the virus among inmates and staff members. However, there are still no options for virtual visits, which leads to isolation for prisoners.
- Women are the most affected in Barbados due to their increased participation in the tourism industry and the informal economy. Sixteen percent of women in Barbados are employed in the tourism industry compared to 8% of men, meaning that women are disproportionately impacted by layoffs.
- The reopening of government day nurseries is a positive indication for families and parents who may be able to return to work once their children can return to childcare.
- Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith has attributed a rise in the crime rate to social conditions created by the pandemic.
- Schools are receiving aid in the form of tablets to ensure educational continuity. The government has elected to purchase tablets for all students who still do not have access to them, which they estimate to be approximately 5,000 students.
- Barbados created a national helpline service to provide assistance to women who are suffering from gender-based violence.
See Select Resources for Social and Cultural Inclusion
Select resources for Barbados:
Governance and the Rule of Law:
Caribbean National Weekly. (2021, January 18). Barbados Officials Say Prison Conditions Are Stable Following COVID-19 outbreak.
————. (2021, February 27). Barbados Announces Phased Reopening from March 1.
————. (2021, April 2). Barbados Considering COVID-19 Vaccines in Addition to AstraZeneca.
CARICOM Today. (2021, March 16). Barbados Prime Minister Urges Compliance As Sectors Reopen.
Clarke, S. (2021, March 11). More than 50 000 vaccinated in Barbados. Nation News.
Cumberbatch, A. (2021, February 8). Public and private healthcare workers ready to assist with vaccination. Loop News.
Henry, A. (2020, July 21). Self-quarantine monitoring bracelet, app ‘coming’ for home quarantine’. Barbados Today.
Hoffman, B. (2021, March 31). The Caribbean’s skilful vaccine diplomacy. International Politics and Society.
Jean-Baptiste, C. (2021, March 13). ‘Stigma and Discrimination Affects Efforts.’ The Barbados Advocate.
Lashley, C. (2020, July 4). Caribbean To Receive Billions In Assistance From US. Government. Information Service, Barbados.
Loop News. (2021, February 2). India to give Barbados 100,000 COVID-19 vaccines.
Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries. (2021, March 29). PAHO update: 32 countries and territories in the Americas have detected infection by one of three ‘variants of concern.’ Pan American Health Organization.
Pan American Health Organization. (2021, April 6). Barbados receives the first COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility.
United Nations Development Programme. (2020, October). COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker.
U.S. Embassy in Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the OECS. (2021, April 21). Eastern Caribbean COVID-19 Status: Barbados. Department of State. Western Hemisphere Affairs.
Growth and Innovation:
Austin, S. (2020, July 9). Great Interest In 12-Month Welcome Stamp. Government Information Service, Barbados.
The Barbados Advocate. (2020, November 5). Ambassador Thompson Highlights COVID Impact on the Region.
Barbados Today. (2020, September 11). PM offers solution to COVID-19 economic fallout.
Britell, A. (2021). Sandals to Reopen Resorts in The Bahamas, Barbados and Grenada. Caribbean Journal.
The Caribbean Council. (n.d.). Barbados’ economy ‘back to the start line.’
Caribbean National Weekly. (2021, February 11). COVID-19 Pandemic Causing Deep Recession in Barbados.
CARICOM Today. (2020, September). ‘BEST’ Plan – A Stimulus Package for the Barbados Tourism Sector.
The Inter-American Development Bank. (n.d.). The Impact of COVID-19 on The Economies of The Region (Caribbean).
International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). Policy Responses to COVID19.
Madden, M. (2020, August 6). Pandemic cripples economy, but Gov’t still on track to meet IMF targets. Barbados Today.
Sanders, R. (2021, April 18). Commentary: Small Countries Need an IMF that is a Lender of Conscience. The Barbados Advocate.
Turner, M. (2021, April 12). Barbados Updates COVID-19 Travel Protocols, Effective May 8. Travel Agent Central.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2021, April 12). Small island developing states need urgent support to avoid debt defaults. United Nations.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). (2021). International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020: Regional integration is key to recovery after the crisis.
Social and Cultural Inclusion:
Caribbean National Weekly. (2020, October 28). Barbados Extends National State of Emergency to March 2021.
————. (2021, January 28). House-to-house COVID-19 Checks to be Done During Barbados Lockdown.
Carrington, J. (2021, March 6). Government Willing To Help Digital Businesses. Government Information Service, Barbados.
Gill, J.-A. (2020, July 13). Over 2,200 Devices Distributed To Students. Government Information Service, Barbados.
————. (2021, March 2). Domestic Violence Increased With COVID-19. Government Information Service, Barbados.
Loop News. (2021, January 31). 33 minimarts allowed to open during lockdown.
Nation News. (2021, March 13). Govt day nurseries to reopen March 16.
Pan American Health Organization. (2021, March 9). Saluting the Leadership of Women in Health and the COVID-19 Response in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries.
Rollock, M. (2020, June 1). Schools To Reopen In June; Protocols In Place. Government in Service, Barbados.
Smith, K. (2020, June 21). Anglican churches reopen for physical services. Barbados Today.
United Nations Development Programme. (2020, October). COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). (2021, February 10). The economic autonomy of women in a sustainable recovery with equality.
The University of West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados, West Indies. (n.d.). A COVID-19 Rapid Response Survey.
See archived resources
Bradshaw, S. (2020). Government working with stakeholders [Speech Transcript]. Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados.
Caribbean National Weekly. (2020, October 7). Cuban Nurses to Extend Stay in Barbados.
————. (2020, October 28). Barbados Extends National State of Emergency to March 2021.
CARICOM Today. (2021, January 28). KEY POINTS: Barbados under more restrictions in February.
Clarke, I., Collymore-Kirton, T., Sulaiman, C., & Lorde, K. (2020). A tale of pandemics, economics, and-realities. Deloitte.
Dunkley-Malcolm, J. (2020, September 21). Public schools in Barbados reopen on Monday. CARICOM Today.
Fitch Solutions. (2020, April 3). Barbadian Economy To Contract For Third Consecutive Year.
Forde-Craigg, S. (2020, August 5). COVID -19 Tests Can Be Done On Arrival In Barbados. Government Information Service, Barbados.
Giles Alvarez, L. (2020, April 2). Barbados: Caribbean Economies in the time of coronavirus. Inter-American Development Bank.
The Gleaner. (2020, November 3). Barbados Announces New Measures In Order To Curb COVID-19.
International Labor Organization. (2020, May 26). Country policy responses (COVID-19 and the world of work).–en/index.htm#BB.
King, K. (2020, October 23). Minister not excusing quarantine breachers; COVID-19 tracker next. Loop News Barbados.
Lander, M. & Ahmed, A. (2020, September 18). ‘The Time Has Come’: Barbados Casts Off the Queen as Head of State, and Others May Follow. The New York Times.
Loop News. (2021, February 9). Shelter shut! Homeless Alliance client tests positive for COVID.
Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training. (2020, June 9). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Parenting Tips. [Video]. YouTube.
Nicholls, A. (2020, May 5). Covid-19 and Barbados: Measured and transparent policy responses. The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs.
Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados. (2020, July 7). Thank you message for Ambassador Fenty [Video]. YouTube.
Springer, J. (2020, June 13). Chinese Donate Medical Supplies To Barbados. Government Information Service, Barbados.
Zegarra, M. (2020, March 16). COVID-19: Tourism-Based Shock Scenarios for Caribbean Countries. Inter-American Development Bank.