Fall 2021
Governance and the Rule of Law
- Over 150 Honduran migrants were vaccinated in Tapachula, Mexico, on September 8th. The first lady, Ana García, visited to see how she could help the Honduran population.
- In addition, UNICEF has provided over 3,100 high filtration masks to health workers to support the vaccination campaigns that have been occurring nationally.
- Presidential candidate Rodrigues Orellana was arrested as authorities have linked him to crimes related to drug trafficking and money laundering. This happens weeks before Honduras holds presidential elections which puts into question the legitimacy of every presidential candidate that all run in order to represent their country but have a crime-filled past.
- Members of Congress linked to corruption and impunity have been accused of using the State’s resources to seek reelection. This is mainly due to Congress being a refuge from criminal persecution, as the members have no trials once in Congress and cannot be charged with any actions done before or during their position.
- The mayor of Tegucigalpa, Nasry Asfura, vice president Ricardo Álvarez, and Porfirio Lobo was pointed at in an investigation for hiding money in the Pandora Papers case. This case indicates the intersection of the political powers and financial transactions that were done offshore through secret deals and hidden assets.
- Nonetheless, many of the Honduran population has not received their second dose of the vaccine. 2,896,759 people have received the first dose while only 1,629,931 people have received the double dose.
- However, approximately 36% of the population is completely vaccinated with both doses.
- President Juan Orlando Hernández has requested a reform mainly directed to WHO, as there is an inequity in the distribution of vaccines to developing countries. The president claimed that the most powerful countries have monopolized vaccines as governments attempted to request vaccines and could not do so.
See Select Resources for Governance and the Rule of Law
Growth and Innovation
- The government of Honduras and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has shown commitment to promoting climate-smart agriculture. The agricultural sector has been very vulnerable to climate change induced natural disasters. Therefore, a lot of climate finance has to be directed towards small-scale farmers.
- Due to the pandemic and the climate crisis of Eta and Iota, the Hernandez administration approved decrees related to agriculture and assuring economic prosperity for farmers. Since then, BANHPROVI has been a program that will capitalize on private banking and reactivate the agroindustrial sector through “Agri credit,” agricultural credit.
- Honduras and the entire Central American region have had various natural disasters linked to climate change; more than 937,000 Hondurans were internally displaced in 2020. Therefore, these Central American countries have been disproportionately impacted by and in COP26 have taken a larger role. Yet, Honduras, along with other Northern Central America countries depend greatly on the political will of COP26 as the IRC called for efforts to prioritize these countries.
- Hence, developing nations in COP26 have urged more economically developed countries to fund climate goals and live up to their financial commitments. The Honduran president Juan Hernandez, mentioned that 67 of the 82 natural disasters were induced by climate change, leading to economic loss, human loss, pollution, and displacement.
- Honduras has presented a much more committed National Determined Contribution (NDC) in COP26. The country will aim to mitigate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 16%, reduce firewood consumption by 39%, and restore 1.3 million hectares of forests. The country has increased its ambition to mitigate the effects of climate change.
- The pandemic has continued to restrict the reopening of the city, leading to economic downfalls. So far, businesses are allowed at 50% capacity; however, nightclubs, bars, and conventions are prohibited from fully opening.
- The president plans to create a program “Vida Mejor” to attend to the families that have been most affected by the storms, close to 300 families. These are mainly families that are agricultural landowners, have had extreme devastation of their land, and are currently in a sensitive situation to rebuild their source of food and income.
- In the innovation sphere, Honduras needs to empower more women economically as most of the female population work in the informal sector; hence, they are the most affected by the pandemic.
- Over 3.9 million Hondurans are in a situation of food insecurity due to COVID-19 and the tropical storms Eta and Iota, mainly caused by the majority of workers in the informal sector becoming unemployed and no longer able to sustain themselves.
See Select Resources for Growth and Innovation
Social and Cultural Inclusion
- 5 out of 10 women of lower-income have left their jobs due to the fact that the majority of the work done by women was in the informal industries or jobs that due to the pandemic were easily lost such as service-related work.
- The indigenous groups, Wampusirpo, have denounced that they are victims of a violent eviction coming directly from the state. The groups are outraged from this not only because of their land being taken away, but also due to the lack of support and attention they have received during the pandemic. Isolating indigenous groups have had trouble gaining access to proper COVID-19 care from health officials.
- Six hundred million Lempiras (Honduran currency) have been used to reactivate agricultural business to build solidarity and benefit more than 176,000 producers at a national level.
- 1.9 million students are not receiving an education this year, not even virtually, and these are mainly students in public schooling. Firstly, there is a lack of funding for schools to go to a remote setting due to the economic situations that the families have, worsened by the pandemic that has led to high unemployment for many low-income families. Since then, the lack of enforcement from the government to supply education to children led to many school dropouts as other situations emerged, such as low-income families, and unemployment that led to high student absences in school.
- Attempts to give indigenous women more autonomy and spread community feminism have been brought to attention as 3 of every 100 people that possess land illegally are women. For example, agrarian reform gives priority and land rights to the oldest man in the family, disregarding women.
- After Tony Hernández, the brother of Honduras president Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced to prison over drug trafficking, there has been mass migration from Honduras to the United States. The indication of the lack of representative democracy and the corruption of drugs being so prominent in Honduras, has led many to question their safety in the country, and the ability of the government to take care of it’s people, especially in a time of pandemic.
- Drug trafficking has replaced the land that was used for agricultural purposes. The violence that stems from drug trafficking that led to migration from Honduras, and the close linkage of Tony Hernández to the Honduran government puts in question the legitimacy of the government.
- Over 2,000 people have started a trek through Tapachula, Mexico, most of them from Honduras and El Salvador. Many have been crossing the border in hopes for refugee and asylum purposes so that they are able to travel and leave the country. The process for receiving any type of visa is long and tedious and some wait over two months in order to receive any form of approval to travel.
See Select Resources for Social and Cultural Inclusion
Spring 2021
Governance and the Rule of Law
- April was the second most lethal month in Honduras after a record high rate of cotagion in July of 2020. The spike in contagions and death occurrence have been related to the relaxation of safety measures during Easter. For Mother’s Day celebrations, the Health Secretary of Honduras (SESAL) requested maximum precautions.
- Meanwhile, vaccination advances slowly in 2021. Honduras, as the great majority of the developing world, confronts deep and entrenched global inequalities in vaccines distribution. The Ample Program of Immunizations (PAI) began thanks to the donation of 5,000 vaccines by Israel in February.
- With the arrival in March of 48,000 doses allocated through the COVAX partnership initiative, Honduras was able to give some continuity to its vaccination program scheme during March. In May, a more generous number of vaccines was promised to be delivered, and between June and July, Pfizer vaccines would be supplied by COVAX.
- The government announced a purchase of 4,2 million doses of Sputnik V. After an unresolved incident in mid-March, when Mexico seized a private flight to the Central American country carrying falsified Sputnik V vaccines, 6.000 doses arrived to Honduras in mid-April.
- The pandemic has forced political parties to collaborate despite tensions caused by increasing cases of corruption and allegations of drug trafficking involving the president of the country and other prominent politicians. Within this climate, Hondurans have been called to the polls to elect new members of government in November 2021.
- On November 28, three presidential candidates from the main political parties will compete for the executive office, as well as thousands of others scheduled to compete for over 80,000 government positions.
Growth and Innovation
- The Honduran economy, one of the most dynamic of the subregion in the pre-crisis period and, still, one of the poorest in the Americas, proved to be extremely vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis.
- High levels of informality (estimated above 70%), high integration in the international economy, and high debt levels (larger than the 40% of GDP recommended by financial institutions) deepened the country’s economic challenges in 2020.
- However, the Central Bank of Honduras has estimated that the economy will bounce back in 2021, recovering 5.2 percentage points of growth out of a historic fall of 9 percent points given the combined effect of the pandemic and two hurricanes that hit the country last year.
- Remittances, which represent 22% of GDP and are an essential income source for some of the poorest households, are proving to be countercyclical, offsetting initial assumptions that forecasted cuts and downward variations in these international transfers. During 2020, remittances doubled, and during the first quarter of 2021, the transfers registered an increase of 29% compared with the same period of 2020. According to the President of the Central Bank, this trend is tied to the recovery of the U.S. economy.
- The worst negative variation in economic activity, according to Honduras Central Bank, was registered in the hospitality service sector, which registered a fall of 49,6% in their activities when contrasted to the pre-pandemic year. The report, nonetheless, stated that a general – though slow – recovery is underway.
- In an effort to guarantee food security, the government established the program Solidary Honduras to provide essential food supplies to Honduran households. In April 2020, it also declared the national productive sector of food and food agribusiness a national priority. None of these measures have been updated in 2021 even when hunger continues to spread across the country, severely depriving vulnerable Hondurans access to the most basic intakes needed to survive.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
- With USAID funding, the Ministry of Education partnered with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to launch the program Te Queremos Estudiando en Casa, which channeled educational content through radio and television through 2020. Although the program impacted education performance positively at the national level, the effort was insufficient to reach the most vulnerable populations during 2020. The program was relaunched in 2021.
- Despite huge connectivity and technological gaps, the 2021 school year remains under a virtual modality. The government pledged to transition to a hybrid system at a SICA meeting and a piloting project is underway in 18 educational centers located in areas of low community transmission of the virus.
- Widespread government mismanagement and corruption worsened the public health system’s scarcity of resources, adding immense hardship to the healthcare workers response and to the protection of the entire population.
- Deeming the government response in the education and health sectors insufficient, healthcare workers and educators are joining forces to demand improvements and took to the streets in May.
- Given the pandemic and a particularly devastating hurricane season, many countries have sent humanitarian help to aid the Honduran people. El Salvador, Colombia, and Spain were among the first in doing so. In 2021, the consequences of the hurricanes are still being felt.
- With the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Honduran government invested in direct social transfers of money to 260.000 Hondurans who were among the most vulnerable after the havoc brought by Eta and Iota.
- Civil society organizations within and outside of the country have denounced Honduras’ pandemic response throughout 2020, deeming it corrosive to democracy and attempting to offer citizens humanitarian relief. In 2021, The UN has expressed concern with the treatment received by Honduran journalists.
- Civil society organizations have made efforts to fight the pandemic in the most impoverished areas of the country. They have expressed concerns regarding violence against women, the deaths of journalists, overlooked indigenous and rural communities, hunger among the general population, and workers’ rights during the pandemic.
- In 2021, the NACLA Report on the Americas released a note denouncing the advance of American-based private companies in the Central American country that can further erode the socioeconomic situation and the fragile institutional setting of Honduras.
- While the pandemic underscores the hardship in which most Hondurans live, many other causes are feeding extreme violence, exclusion, and other domestic crises. These causes combine to make emigration seem like the most suitable strategy for survival for many Hondurans, who have kept traveling north in caravans searching for a better future, deepening the probabilities of COVID-19 exposure.
- In Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States -most migrants’ desired destination country-, governments have responded with the police and military forces to deal with the migration crisis, posing increased dangers to migrants who are extremely vulnerable to contracting COVID-19.
Summer/Fall 2020
Governance and the Rule of Law
- The 2019 mobilizations and strikes against President Juan Orlando Hernandez, led primarily by teachers and doctors, highlighted a deficit in the healthcare and education system.
- Widespread corruption has led to severe underfunding of the Honduran healthcare system, leaving it severely ill-prepared to confront the pandemic.
- Healthcare workers are disproportionately more vulnerable to the virus as the country suffers from a lack of PPE and other protective equipment.
- Corruption has also deteriorated Hondurans confidence in political leadership and institutions.
- Food security remains a central issue for 1.6 million Hondurans, and every department is considered to be facing a food crisis.
- Restrictions on press freedom and nationwide curfews have made it difficult for civil society to oversee allocation of the $420 million emergency plan passed on March 13.
- In 2019, dengue infections were 13 times the number in 2018, exposing difficulties in managing previous pandemics.
- Disruptions due to COVID-19 jeopardize Honduras’ ability to meet demands to manage an already heightened dengue outbreak.
- Prolonged lockdowns and curfews have allowed organized criminal groups to exploit and strengthen their control over local communities.
- The government has suspended fundamental constitutional rights, including the rights to freedom of expression, private property, freedom of circulation, and habeas corpus, allowing indefinite detention.
- Over 47,000 people have been detained for violating the nationwide curfew, causing thousands of citizens to be subjected to unworthy treatment and placed at risk of security and contracting the virus.
- 45 human rights defenders suffered attacks, harassment, or reprisals for their work during the crisis, and seven journalists were assaulted, detained, and/or had their equipment taken and camera footage deleted.
Growth and Innovation
- Honduras will increase social spending and protect monetary and financial stability with a $76.2 million dollar loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
- Government lockdown measures disproportionately affect the 70% of Hondurans who work in the informal economy.
- Roughly 40% of Hondurans were already living in extreme poverty. This statistic is likely to worsen.
- Little to no economic safety nets for much of the population leave many unemployed Hondurans unable to afford necessities such as food and shelter.
- The Temporary Labor Law allows companies to replace their existing workforce with temporary workers due to refusal to work without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
- The Honduran economy is expected to contract by 5.8% in 2020, up from a projected 2.3% contraction in April.
- The increased cost of international money transfers could lead to a deterrence of sending remittances.
- Decreased remittance income, which represented 21% of 2019 gross domestic product (GDP), will magnify economic struggles for many dependent on this income.
- Delayed income tax payments for employees of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (70% of the workforce) will alleviate some financial burden for SMEs.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
- The 2019 protests calling for the resignation of President Hernandez and against widespread corruption awakened consciousness among many in the public.
- The government’s lockdown measures have suspended the legality of freedom of expression and assembly.
- Medical professionals from large hospitals in Tegucigalpa protested the lack of PPE early in the pandemic.
- Medical professionals are being overworked and 80% were experiencing “burnout” syndrome, eroding the quality of healthcare.
- Over 410 protests have taken place throughout Honduras during the pandemic over a lack of food and water, which have often ended in violent clashes with police.
- Levels of gender-based violence and femicides have increased during the period of quarantine, especially for women ages 15-39.
Select resources for Honduras:
Governance and the Rule of Law Fall 2021:
La Prensa Redacción. (2021, September 8). Migrantes hondureños son vacunados contra la covid-10 en México. La Prensa. https://www.laprensa.hn/honduras/1491472-410/migranteshondure%C3%B1ossonvacunadoscontralacovid-19enmexico
UNICEF. Supply Division (2021, August 19). The Supply Community at the forefront of UNICEF’s humanitarian work. UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/supply/stories/unicef-supply-community-forefront-humanitarian-work
Cespad. (2021, September 8). La crisis social en Honduras y los caudales electorales. La Prensa. https://cespad.org.hn/2021/09/08/la-crisis-social-en-honduras-y-los-caudales-electorales/#_ftn5
Cespad. (2021, September 28). Señalamientos de corrupción y enjuiciamientos definen a diputados que buscan reelección en Honduras. Cespad. https://cespad.org.hn/2021/09/28/senalamientos-de-corrupcion-y-enjuiciamientos-definen-a-diputados-que-buscan-reeleccion-en-honduras/
Cespad. (2021, August 17). El tríptico de la impunidad en Honduras. https://cespad.org.hn/2021/08/17/analisis-el-triptico-de-la-impunidad-en-honduras/ Cespad.
El Comercio. (2021, October 3). Vicepresidente, exmandatario y alcalde envueltos en Pandora Papers en Honduras. El Comercio. https://elcomercio.pe/mundo/centroamerica/pandora-papers-vicepresidente-exmandatario-y-alcalde-envueltos-en-papeles-de-pandora-en-honduras-icij-porfirio-lobo-nasry-asfura-ricardo-alvarez-noticia/
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. (2021, October 3), About the pandora papers. ICIJ. https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/about-pandora-papers-investigation/
France 24. (2021, November 4). Honduras presidential candidate arreested on murder, drug-trafficking charges,” France 24. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211104-honduras-presidential-candidate-arrested-on-murder-drug-trafficking-charges
Sandoval, E. (2021, November 4). Detienen a candidato presidencial de Honduras bajo acusaciones de delitos relacionados al narcotráfico. CNN. https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/11/04/detienen-candidato-rodriguez-orellana-honduras-orix/
Growth and Innovation Fall 2021:
Us Embassy in Honduras. (2021, September 27). COVID-19 Information. https://hondudiario.com/nacionales/aproximadamente-5-de-cada-10-mujeres-dejaron-de-trabajar-durante-la-pandemia-bid/
Al Jazeera. (2021, October 3) Hundreds flee as fire ravages Hoonoduras island of Guanaja https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/3/hundreds-flee-as-fire-ravages-honduras-island-of-guanaja Al Jazeera.
Presidencia de la República. (2021, August 18) Presidente Hernández y productores firman Acuerdo para una Vida Mejor del Sector Bananero. https://presidencia.gob.hn/press/blog-node/presidente-hern%C3%A1ndez-y-productores-firman-acuerdo-para-una-vida-mejor-del-sector-bananero
ConfidencialHN. (2021, August 11). Casi 4 millones de personas en inseguridad alimentaria en Honduras, según la FAO. ConfidencialHN. https://confidencialhn.com/casi-4-millones-de-personas-en-inseguridad-alimentaria-en-honduras-segun-la-fao/
France 24. (2021, September 15). La inseguridad alimentaria casi se ha duplicado en Honduras por la pandemica: Naciones Unidas https://www.france24.com/es/programas/econom%C3%ADa/20210915-inseguridad-alimentaria-honduras-duplicado-onu France 24 Economía.
Swissinfo. (2021, August 11). Casi 4 millones de personas en inseguridad alimentaria en Honduras, según FAO. https://www.swissinfo.ch/spa/honduras-alimentaci%C3%B3n_casi-4-millones-de-personas-en-inseguridad-alimentaria-en-honduras–seg%C3%BAn-fao/46860846 Swissinfo
Press Release. (2021, November 3). IRC calls on COP26 to prioritize more concerted effort to address climate change in Northern Central America. Rescue. https://www.rescue.org/press-release/irc-calls-cop26-prioritize-more-concerted-effort-address-climate-change-northern
Wardany, S. (2021, November 1). COP26: Developing nations urge rich ones to fund climate goals. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/11/1/cop26-developing-nations-urge-rich-ones-to-fund-climate-goals
Whittington, G. (2021, November 4). COP26 results in a new opportunity for smallholder farmers in Central America. Triple Pundit. https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2021/cop26-smallholder-farmers/730816
Social and Cultural Inclusion Fall 2021:
Criterio. (2021, August 2). Triste panorama educativo en Honduras: casi 2 millones de estudiantes no están en clases este año. Criterio. https://criterio.hn/triste-panorama-educativo-en-honduras-casi-2-millones-de-estudiantes-no-estan-en-clases-este-ano/
Cespad. (2021, September 5). Las mujeres indígenas y el feminismo comunitario. Cespad. https://cespad.org.hn/2021/09/05/las-mujeres-indigenas-y-el-feminismo-comunitario/
El Economista. (2021, August 12). Casi 4 millones de personas en inseguridad alimentaria en Honduras, según FAO. El Economista https://www.eleconomista.net/actualidad/Casi-4-millones-de-personas-en-inseguridad-alimentaria-en-Honduras-segun-FAO-20210812-0015.html
Proceso Hn. (2021, September 29). Un 48% de estudiantes en Honduras no están recibiendo clases, según Colpedagogos. Proceso Digital https://proceso.hn/un-48-de-estudiantes-en-honduras-no-estan-recibiendo-clases-segun-colpedagogos/
Criterio Hn. (2021, August 16). Militares desalojan comunidades de la Mosquitia hondureña. Criterio Hn https://criterio.hn/militares-desalojan-comunidades-de-la-mosquitia-hondurena/
Hondudiario. (2021, August 13). Aproximadamente 5 de cada 10 mujeres dejaron de trabajar durante la pandemia: BID. Hondudiario Redacción. https://hondudiario.com/nacionales/aproximadamente-5-de-cada-10-mujeres-dejaron-de-trabajar-durante-la-pandemia-bid/
Goodman, Amy. González, Juan. (2021, September 22) Corruption and drug trade fueled Honduran migration to US. Truthout. https://truthout.org/video/corruption-and-drug-trade-fueled-honduran-migration-to-us/
Gottesdiener, Laura. (2021, September 21). How a drug-trafficking mayor in Honduras fueled the U.S. migration crisis. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/honduras-crime-migration/
Pierce, Charles. (2021, September 22). We’d rather not connect the situation at the Southern border to our own country’s appetite for drugs. Esquire. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a37695451/honduras-drug-trafficker-sends-migrants-north/
Ugarte, M. (2021, October 24) 2,000 migrants continue walkthrough southern Mexico. AP News. https://apnews.com/article/immigration-mexico-honduras-central-america-guatemala-c597133985608d016c95a62a04189beb
Clemente, E. (2021, October 23). Over 2,000 migrants march out of southern cities in Mexico. AP News. https://apnews.com/article/mexico-honduras-caribbean-central-america-344c88fa1565671413de37d8d22f6b3c
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. (2020, July 9). Honduras enfrenta el COVID-19 y resguarda la estabilidad macroeconómica con apoyo del BID. https://www.iadb.org/es/noticias/honduras-enfrenta-el-covid-19-y-resguarda-la-estabilidad-macroeconomica-con-apoyo-del-bid.
Bejarano, M. (2020, November 6). EE.UU. brindará ayuda humanitaria a Honduras y Guatemala por desastres causados por Eta. La Prensa. https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/11/06/nacionales/2744142-ee-uu-brindara-ayuda-humanitaria-a-honduras-y-guatemala-por-desastres-causados-por-eta.
Carrasco, H. (2020, November 11). Hondureños en España recaudan fondos para afectados por Huracán Eta. El Heraldo. https://www.elheraldo.hn/minisitios/hondurenosenelmundo/1421787-471/hondure%C3%B1os-en-espa%C3%B1a-recaudan-fondos-para-afectados-por-hurac%C3%A1n-eta.
Centro de Estudio para la Democracia. (2020, June 3). Cronología | Ministerio Público: entre la desidia y la pérdida de relevancia. https://cespad.org.hn/2020/06/03/cronologia-ministerio-publico-entre-la-desidia-y-la-perdida-de-relevancia/.
————. (2020, July 10). De pobres a mendigos: lo que les espera a miles en Honduras. https://cespad.org.hn/2020/07/10/de-pobres-a-mendigos-lo-que-les-espera-a-miles-en-honduras/.
————. (2020, August 3). Cronología | Impunidad de funcionarios públicos y la militarización de INVEST-H. https://cespad.org.hn/2020/08/03/cronologia-impunidad-de-funcionarios-publicos-y-la-militarizacion-de-invest-h/.
Centro de Información sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos. (2020, April 14). Honduras: Más de 50 mil personas trabajadoras, sin incluir el sector informal, fueron despedidos en el contexto de COVID-19. https://www.business-humanrights.org/es/%C3%BAltimas-noticias/honduras-m%C3%A1s-de-50-mil-personas-trabajadoras-sin-incluir-el-sector-informal-fueron-despedidos-en-el-contexto-de-covid-19/.
Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO). (2021, March 18). Honduras se compromete a abrir las escuelas. El Heraldo. https://www.elheraldo.hn/pais/1450627-466/abrir-escuelas-compromiso-honduras-unicef-centroamerica-covid-2021.
Confidencial HN. (2020, June 23). Jefe de Investh se derrite en explicaciones ante el Congreso por irregularidades en compras directas y se resiste a renunciar. https://confidencialhn.com/jefe-de-investh-se-derrite-en-explicaciones-ante-el-congreso-por-irregularidades-en-compras-directas-y-se-resiste-a-renunciar/.
————. (2020, September 19). Libre acuerda ir «bajo protesta» a las elecciones primarias de marzo 2021. https://confidencialhn.com/libre-acuerda-ir-bajo-protesta-a-las-elecciones-primarias-de-marzo-de-2021/.
Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras. (2020, June 22). COPINH reafirma su compromiso de ayuda a enfrentar pandemia COVID-19 en el departamento de Intibucá. https://copinh.org/2020/06/copinh-reafirma-su-compromiso-de-ayuda/.
El Economista. (2020, July 9). El BID apoya a Honduras a enfrentar covid-19 y proteger estabilidad económica. https://www.eleconomista.net/economia/El-BID-apoya-a-Honduras-a-enfrentar-covid-19-y-proteger-estabilidad-economica-20200709-0005.html.
El Espectador HN. (2020, April 17). Compra de hospitales móviles quintuplicará la capacidad del sistema de salud. https://www.elespectadorhn.com/sec-nacion/single.php?id=8137.
Forbes. (2020, February 17). El 58% de hondureños trabajan de manera informal. https://forbescentroamerica.com/2020/02/17/bm-el-58-de-los-empleados-hondurenos-trabaja-de-manera-informal/.
García, N. (2020, April 24). Pandemia deja al descubierto la desigualdad digital en Honduras. Criterio. https://criterio.hn/pandemia-deja-al-descubierto-la-desigualdad-digital-en-honduras/.
González Diaz, M. (2020, May 22). Coronavirus en Honduras: Catracho, el método con el que el país asegura que logró reducir los muertos por covid-19 pese a su débil sistema de salud. BBC News Mundo en México y Centroamérica. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-52749761.
————. (2020, September 23). Cuán efectiva fue la transformación de la policía de Honduras que “no tiene paralelo” en América Latina. BBC News Mundo en México y Centroamérica. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-54257555.
Hola News. (2020, August 19). Moody’s prevé se duplique el déficit fiscal promedio en Centroamérica por COVID. https://holanews.com/moodys-preve-se-duplique-el-deficit-fiscal-promedio-en-centroamerica-por-covid/.
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