Corporación Andina de Fomento – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina

CAF has provided both monetary support and non-financial guidance to public and private sectors through increased lending and research to support economic recovery in Latin America. To meet immediate demand, CAF created an emergency credit line of $2.5 billion for regional economic measures. Additionally, CAF is developing a fund for digital infrastructure and integration projects with the support of developed countries. For example, the Korea Export Import Bank has granted a credit line to CAF to facilitate Korean investments in infrastructure and sustainable growth in Latin America. CAF has launched a €700 million social bond to support COVID-19 relief measures. CAF has collaborated with local development banks, microfinance institutions, and commercial banks to support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Private businesses have also worked with CAF on product chain integration and internationalization. CAF continues to support public-private partnerships through initiatives such as GovTech, a platform for governments to connect to start ups and MSMEs. Additionally, the Laboratorio CAF de Inclusión Financiera has created a competition to connect the public and private sectors. 11 winning businesses that use financial technology to boost financial inclusion among vulnerable populations or MSMEs will be placed into one of three venture accelerators. The winners will also have access to funding from major private banks and regulators to ease public/private relations. CAF has made several investments into other health programs, such as the Alimentar Card in Argentina and the SocialDiabetes digital platform in Mexico, both of which ease pressure on the rest of the healthcare system. 

CAF continues to provide research, guidance and tools for both countries and the general public through their website. Costa Rica became a full member of CAF in February of 2021. Events such as the Annual CAF Conference are continuing in a virtual format. The CAF website features tools to monitor the evolution of COVID-19 in CAF countries as well as policies put in place by member countries to mitigate the economic effects. CAF has worked with experts in relevant sectors such as health care to develop policy plans that are adaptable for the specific circumstance in each country. The International Labor Organization (ILO) and CAF have signed a Memorization of Understanding to work together to promote fair labor growth and programing in the aftermath of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. Virtual training on business innovation, sustainability, public impact, and more are available for free on CAF’s website. Recently published lessons aim to help public officials improve policies and procedures.

Select resources for CAF:

To learn more about CAF, visit

BNP Paribas Cib. (2020, June 9). CAF launches first covid-19 response bond in Latin America.

Corporación Andina de Fomento. (n.d.) CAF coloca USD 750 millones en bonos para promover la reactivación de América Latina. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from

————. (n.d.) Conferencia CAF 2020 relaciones europa—América Latina.

————. (n.d.) Covid19. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from

————. (n.d.) Evolución COVID-19 en países CAF.

————. (n.d.) Medidas compensatorias de política económica para enfrentar el COVID-19.

————. (n.d.) Proyectos. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from

————. (2020, April 22) Respuesta de CAF frente al covid-19.

————. (2020, June 1) ¿Se reducirán las clases medias latinoamericanas con el COVID-19?

————. (2020, July 7). América Latina trabaja unida por la recuperación económica y social con el apoyo de CAF.

————. (2020, September 8). CAF to help developed countries fund Latin America’s digital and integration infrastructure.

————. (2020, October 5). Abierta la convocatoria del Laboratorio CAF de Inclusión Financiera.

————. (2020, October 27). Korea Eximbank and CAF sign a loan facility for USD 200 million for projects in Latin America.

See archived resources

————. (2020, September 24). LEO 2020: La transformación digital es clave para acelerar la recuperación y garantizar una mejor reconstrucción.
