Conferencia de Provinciales de América Latina

The pandemic has pushed CPAL organizations to work remotely or partially online to create emergency relief programs within their communities. The organization has established a concise plan in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 called Unidos en Solidaridad, which prioritizes ensuring communities access to food, medical care, and spiritual accompaniment. It has also organized and published virtual discussions analyzing the impact of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean. The organization has made CPAL Spirituality Centers accessible both virtually and in person, providing users with various articles on the human rights, economic, social, and cultural impacts of the pandemic in Latin America. Sevicio Jesuita Panamazónico (SJPAM) has continued to interact with indigenous amazonian communities both in virtual spaces and in person. SJPAM has delivered over 5,600 food and hygiene kits to these communities. La Federación Latinoamericana de Colegios de la Compañía de Jesús (FLACSI) has created a three part response plan to continue education during the pandemic. The plan includes transition steps to virtual learning, guided reflection opportunities for students and families, and long-term improvements to online school. They have also published several reports on the online education experience, as well as recommendations for educators. The Jesuit Radio continues to emit educational and preventive information dealing with the COVID-19.

The Asociación de Universidades Confiadas a la Companía de Jesús en América Latina (AUSJAL) institutions have collaborated to share common problems, define strategies to solve them, and best prepare for the future. The AUSJAL institutions are working to adapt curriculums to address topics highlighted by the pandemic, such as inequality, social justice, and climate change. The Jesuit Migration Network (RJM) has committed themselves to provide informative and reliable information on the status of migrants and refugees and express solidarity with those communities during the pandemic. The Jesuit Network with Migrants from Central America and North America (RJM CANA) published an updated news bulletin to collect and share relevant information from each country on the reality of migrants, displaced persons, and refugees, as well as to learn more about the institutional responses to the crisis. CPAL has joined with other Jesuit networks around the world to call for a more equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Related Country Pages

The following country pages document CPAL’s response to the pandemic in specific areas, or contain links to further resources about CPAL.

Select resources for CPAL:

To learn more about CPAL, visit

Cias Por La Paz. (n.d.). Apoyo emocional.

Compañía de Jesús Venezuela. (n.d.). ‌Buenas Prácticas en Huellas en Tiempo de COVID-19.

Conferencia de Provinciales de América Latina. (n.d.). La amenaza militar surge en Brasil al tiempo que las muertes por el coronavirus aumentan.

————. (n.d.). La Covid-19 ya afecta a 93 nacionalidades indígenas.

————. (n.d.). CPAL Social.

————. (n.d.). Desafíos socioeducativos en torno a la capacitación en tiempos de pandemia.

————. (n.d.). Hoy y mañana de una pandemia.

————. (n.d.) Memoria FLACSI 2020.

————. (n.d.). “No buscamos ‘volver a la normalidad’, sino construir en comunidad una nueva era”.

————. (n.d.). La pandemia avanza en la Amazonía más rápido que el Estado.

————. (n.d.) La Provincia de Perú se une en solidaridad por su población más vulnerable.

————. (2021, 11 March). Redes jesuitas hacen llamado urgenta a la vacunación universal.

Somos Jesuitas. (2020, April 7). Análisis: El impacto del Covid-19 en América Latina y el Caribe [Video]. YouTube.
