Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales

FLACSO has carried out over 320 initiatives related to COVID-19 since March 2020. These initiatives follow FLACSO’s mission to promote and strengthen development in Latin America through research. In total, FLACSO has published three books, 20 conversations with experts, 30 data uploads, three new courses, and hundreds of documents and online events relating to the pandemic.  These events consist of analyzing the impact of the outbreak on international relations, society, and Latin-American culture. The FLACSO system has organized a series of panel discussions focused on alternative development in response to COVID-19. The FLACSO governance has authorized annual budget reports and appointed institutional personnel to facilitate preparedness in the face of the pandemic. FLACSO continues to collaborate with other regional and international organizations such as the Organizations of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF). 

The FLACSO website educates readers about the measures member countries are taking presently. FLACSO commits to posting regular updates on the development of the pandemic in the region in order to safeguard public health. Each FLACSO Academic Unit posts news of their specific country’s work, research, and projects dealing with COVID-19. FLACSO has also released clear basic protection measures against COVID-19 in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) rules. While the organization has published extensive work relating to COVID-19, the Academic Units have also continued to monitor and analyze political and social activity in their countries beyond the COVID-19 crisis.

Related Country Pages

The following country pages document FLACSO’s response to the pandemic in specific areas, or contain links to further resources about FLACSO.

Select resources for FLACSO:

To learn more about FLACSO, visit https://www.flacso.org/

‌Comunicaciones FLACSO. (2020). Amigos, a pesar de la distancia [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhBQqxdVbjI&feature=emb_title.

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. (n.d.). Ciclo de Charlas en línea «¿Sociedad digital para tod@s? Efectos del Covid-19 y la oportunidad de repensar internet. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/ciclo-de-charla-en-linea-sociedad-digital-para-todos-efectos-del-covid-19-y-la-oportunidad-de-repensar-internet/.

————. (n.d.). Curso de extensión virtual “Territorios, convivencia y cultura”. https://flacso.org/secretaria-general/curso-extensi-n-virtual-territorios-convivencia-y-cultura.

————. (n.d.). La Economía Digital en el contexto COVID-19: Desafíos de América Latina y Chile. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/la-economia-digital-en-el-contexto-covid-19-desafios-de-america-latina-y-chile/.

————. (n.d.). ¡Enhorabuena en el Día Internacional de la FLACSO! https://www.flacso.org/secretaria-general/enhorabuena-d-internacional-flacso.

————. (n.d.). Flacso-Argentina: Salud y Pobreza en Argentina. https://www.flacso.org/secretaria-general/flacso-argentina-salud-y-pobreza-argentina-dime-c-mo-ha-sido-tu-cuna-y-te-dir-c.

————. (n.d.). FLACSO-Chile inicia ciclo de charlas en línea “Transformación social en los tiempos del Covid-19”. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/ciclo-charlas-en-linea-transformacion-social-en-los-tiempos-del-covid-19/.

————. (n.d.). ‌Impacto del COVID-19 en la economía de América Latina y Chile. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/articulo-impacto-del-covid-19-en-la-economia-de-america-latina-y-chile/.

————. (n.d.). Secretaria General de la FLACSO participa en reunión Alianzas en Iberoamérica frente a la COVID-19. https://www.flacso.org/secretaria-general/secretaria-general-flacso-participa-reuni-n-alianzas-iberoam-rica-frente-covid-19.

————. (n.d.). Vacunas para el sistema: caminos para Costa Rica después del COVID-19. https://flacso.or.cr/noticias/vacunas-para-el-sistema-caminos-para-costa-rica-despues-del-covid-19/.

————. (2020). El celular, un aliado en el aula [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tghtmXEVu7I.

————. (2020, January). Reuniones del Comité Directivo. https://www.flacso.org/secretaria-general/reuniones-del-comit-directivo-202001.

————. (2020, March 16). Comunicado sobre la respuesta al coronavirus (COVID-19) de parte de la Secretaría General. https://www.flacso.org/sites/default/files/comunicado_sobre_respuesta_al_covid_19.pdf.

————. ‌‌(2020, April 28). Charla “Covid-19 y economía latinoamericana y chilena”. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/charla-covid-19-y-economia-latinoamericana-y-chilena-28-de-abril-de-2020/.

————. (2020, May 19). Conversatorio «Una mirada al COVID-19 desde las Regiones y territorios de Chile», http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/conversatorio-una-mirada-al-covid-19-desde-las-regiones-y-territorios-de-chile-19-de-mayo-de-2020/.

————. (2020, October 31). FLACSO contribuye con +320 iniciativas ante la COVID-19. https://www.flacso.org/secretaria-general/flacso-contribuye-con-320-iniciativas-ante-covid-19.

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Guatemala. (2020, May 7). Curso virtual: Diseño de videos educativos dinámicos con Prezi [Video]. http://www.flacso.edu.gt/?p=8807.

Salvador, F. E. (2020). El Salvador: 229 municipios reportan un descenso en el volumen de remesas recibidas el primer cuatrimestre de 2020.  Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. https://www.flacso.org.sv/Actividades/ejemplo/29#.

Universidad de Chile. (n.d.). Caleidoscopio Regional: Oportunidades y Desafíos de Centroamérica Hoy. http://www.iei.uchile.cl/cursos/147002/caleidoscopio-regional-oportunidades-y-desafios-de-centroamerica-hoy.

See archived resources

Cabrera, A. (2020, May 5). AVISO IMPORTANTE COVID-19. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. https://flacso.edu.uy/web/aviso-importante-covid-19/.

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. (n.d.). Charla Sociedad ecosostenible post Covid-19. http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/charla-sociedad-ecosostenible-post-covid-19/.

————. (2020, July 7). Panel «Ser mujer en la pandemia». http://www.flacsochile.org/slider/panel-ser-mujer-en-la-pandemia-7-julio-2020/.
