Governance and the Rule of Law

“IMG_20170520_174026_059-EFFECTS” by Danilo Vitoriano is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Uruguay has been praised for having one of the best responses to the pandemic in Latin America. Despite a strong public health system and a communal sense of responsibility, cases began to increase exponentially during the last trimester of 2020 and experienced additional surges in response to the emergence of variants like Delta and Omicron. Uruguay’s vaccination plan has been recognized as one of the most effective within the region. Currently, approximately 77.13% of the population has been vaccinated with two doses and more than 1.9 million people have received a third booster dose.
- Uruguay never established a mandatory quarantine in 2020, choosing to instead appeal to a communal responsibility along with quick implementation of widespread monitoring and tracking of infections, random testing, and use of models to predict how the virus would advance in different parts of the country. As of November 2021, a total of approximately 6,088 COVID-19 deaths have been registered since March 2020
- More than a year since the first COVID-19 outbreak, President Luis Lacalle Pou, commends the responsible and supportive freedom exercised by Uruguayans as well as the work of researchers, scientists, healthcare professionals, and educators for their efforts. Like many of its neighboring countries, Uruguay stands out for its high percentage of vaccination; currently approximately 78% of the population has received the first dose and 74% have been fully vaccinated.
- Those who have completed their vaccination (at least 2 doses) can access their digital vaccination card, a day after receiving the last dose. The vaccination card will include the dates and type of vaccine received and will automatically update when a third booster dose is administered. All that is required to retrieve the vaccination card is an identification card and the vaccination code provided after the second dose. The card can be accessed through the Coronavirus Uy app, the Ministry of Health website or from a digital medical record.
- Unlike its neighbors, Uruguay has not signed agreements with laboratories to produce COVID-19 vaccines within the country. However, they are contributing to vaccine accessibility within the region by opening up vaccination to tourists. Adults will be offered the booster shot, and vaccination will also be made available to children above the age of 12. The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) is currently estimating how many vaccines will be allocated to tourists.
- In September 2021, the Ministry of Health began the “business to business” phase of the vaccination plan, which provides inoculation in the workplace with the purpose of making the vaccine accessible to those who haven’t been able to get vaccinated because of their working hours. Companies must compile a list of employees that want to be vaccinated and send it to the corresponding health care provider to coordinate the vaccination.
- Prior to the “business to business” phase, the Ministry of Health had implemented the “neighborhood to neighborhood” and “town to town” initiatives beginning in the months of July and May, respectively. The “town to town” initiative covered 300 towns throughout the country, vaccinating Uruguayans who for various reasons had not yet been able to get vaccinated and returned to each town in July to administer the second dose. That same month, the “neighborhood to neighborhood” phase began; it focused on the peripheral neighborhoods of Montevideo and the soup kitchens in Canelones. All three phases have improved vaccination accessibility by bringing the vaccine directly to the Uruguayan population.
- Uruguay reopened its borders to tourism on November 1st and implemented a series of requirements for entry including proof of vaccination for adults, a negative PRC test performed within 72 hours prior to the trip, and a second test a week later. They have removed the requirement to quarantine upon arrival. However, they are now requiring a signed declaration that confirms the visitors’ contact information, travel information, details about their stay in Uruguay, proof of vaccination, PRC results and health coverage. This declaration has to be completed electronically and within the 48 hours prior to their arrival in Uruguay. The same procedure applies to tourists arriving in cruise ships. The 2021-2022 cruise season will begin in November, and it is expected that the capital port and Punta del Este will experience about 160 and 60 stopovers respectively.
- The current vaccination stage is focusing on children over 12 years of age, and other groups that qualify for a third dose. The groups that are currently eligible to receive their third dose include anyone who is immunocompromised, anyone who was previously administered Sinovac, as well as health personnel and individuals over the age of 60 who received both doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines. Meanwhile, vaccination for children under 12 years of age has not been approved given that Uruguay is relying on approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to inoculate this age group with the Pfizer vaccine.
- The groups that are currently eligible to receive their third dose include anyone who is immunocompromised, anyone who was previously administered Sinovac, as well as health personnel and individuals over the age of 60 who received both doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines.
- Uruguay began administering third booster doses in August 2021 and within the first days of October, more than 1,000,000 people had received the booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine. During the last trimester of 2021, the country will receive an additional 500,000 doses from Pfizer to continue administering booster doses. Additionally, Uruguay will purchase 3.7 million doses from Pfizer to continue providing full immunization for Uruguayans and tourists in 2022.
- During a meeting held the last week of September 2021, the Ministries of Public Health of Uruguay and Chile agreed to establish a general framework of collaboration to exchange information, professionals, experts, and consultancies. There has already been a lot of collaboration between the two countries on health matters related to COVID-19 during the past year. They plan to expand their collaboration beyond COVID-19 to organ donation, vaccine registry management, mental health, cancer, and other areas.
See Select Resources for Governance and the Rule of Law
Growth and Innovation

“Rio da Prata” by Leandro’s World Tour is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
To mitigate the negative economic effects of COVID-19, Uruguay is focused on stimulating the economy by providing loans and other forms of funding to small and medium businesses, tourism, the agricultural sector, and other sectors of the economy.
- In February 2021, after a meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, the Central Bank reaffirmed its commitment to expansive monetary policy aimed at preventing liquidity restrictions, to ease the economic situation generated by COVID-19. During the most recent meeting in October 2021, the Monetary Policy Committee decided to increase the monetary policy rate (MPR) to 5.25% from the previous MPR set at 4.5% and reaffirmed its commitment to adhering to policies consistent with reaching the inflation range between 3% and 6% for the next 24 months.
- In a recent preliminary statement assessing the economy of Uruguay based on Article IV guidelines, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted that the country entered COVID-19 with solid institutions and a high degree of social cohesion, investment grade status, a solid financial sector, and ample reserves buffers but it also recognized the effects of pre-existing macroeconomic imbalances which had caused the economy to stagnate since 2015. Nonetheless, the IMF praised Uruguay’s overall COVID-19 response, including the fiscal package that provided support to firms, employment and vulnerable sectors of the population. This package specifically addressed regulatory forbearance, credit guarantee lines, partial unemployment benefit, and the strengthening existing social programs.
- According to data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), unemployment continues to rise in Uruguay; currently approximately 167,000 people are unemployed, meaning they do not have a job but are actively looking for one. After months of fluctuating between rates of 9.7% to 11%, the unemployment rate has begun to increase once again, reaching 9.4% in September 2021. When aggregated by gender, the unemployment rate for men has reached 8.4% while the rate for women has reached 10.5%, further highlighting the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on women.
- President Luis Lacalle Pou met with the head of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Mauricio Claver-Carone, who praised Uruguay’s economic, political, and social stability as an advantage for attracting investment. He shared that the IDB is interested in helping Uruguay with projects on water purification and sanitation, transportation, digital infrastructure and logistics and other sectors.
- A new bill has been proposed to the parliament to aid SMEs along the border with Brazil and Argentina. The measures target retail commerce located within 60 kilometers from the border whose gross income during the last fiscal year did not exceed 4 million indexed units. The proposed measures include tariff reductions, tax benefits and contributions that will reduce costs for SMEs, who are affected by the exchange rate differences. Similarly, the program Centro Pyme has begun to open up centers across the country to provide companies and entrepreneurs with spaces where they can access free professional support, and other services that will promote the growth of SMEs.
- The Ministry of Tourism presented a set of measures before the Congress of Mayors to incentivize tourism. These will include the reimbursement of the value added tax (22%) in hotels, gastronomy and car rental services for foreigners. Additionally, they will also provide a 24% discount on fuel at service stations located within a 20 kilometer radius from border entry points. These benefits will be available to tourists who use cards issued outside of Uruguay until April 30, 2022, with the possibility of extending it to Uruguayan citizens. Similar measures were implemented during the tourism season of 2020, to boost as much internal tourism as possible given the sanitary COVID-19 precautions implemented at the time.
- In addition, the Ministry of Tourism also proposes to provide workshops on marketing and development of products for ecotourism, rural tourism, wine tourism, LGBTQIA+ and religious interests as well as traditional products for coastal tourism. The 2021 tourism season will differ from 2020 given the successful implementation of vaccination campaigns in neighboring countries and new sanitary protocol required for entry. The country is already experiencing an increase in demand from airlines for additional flights and inquiries from citizens of countries like Sweden and Canada, who do not commonly visit Uruguay.
- The Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera, has praised the decision of extending vaccination to foreigners, not as vaccine tourism but as an additional service facilitated through tourism that will not only benefit the recipients but will also contribute to the health security of Uruguayans. Tourists who decide to get vaccinated in Uruguay will utilize the same registration process as Uruguayans, and will have access to the vaccine after being in the country for at least 5 days once vaccine registration for foreigners begins in December 2021.
- A prospective free trade deal between Uruguay and China has created a variety of reactions within the Southern Cone, with mentions of the potential deal conflicting with MERCOSUR’s restrictions on making preferential agreements with third countries. China is already a major trading partner for the subregion, and the deal promises to further increase trade and investment by increasing market access, therefore motivating market expansion.
- Negotiations with China will not begin until 2022. In the meantime, Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo and Minister of the Economy Azucena Arbeleche will supervise the feasibility study conducted by the free trade agreement negotiating team. The feasibility study will be conducted in collaboration with Chinese counterparts, and informed by the input of sectoral ministries, public and private actors. This study will identify key areas of dialogue which will form the framework for the negotiations.
- Local scientists at the Hygiene Institute of Uruguay have begun working on the development of an oral COVID-19 vaccine prototype. The strategy of this oral version of the vaccine is to modify the salmonella bacteria to use it as a vehicle for antigens that will induce an immune response to fight the COVID-19 virus at a mucosal level. The benefit of targeting the virus at a mucosal level is that it will make it difficult for the virus to enter the cells.
See Select Resources for Growth and Innovation
Social and Cultural Inclusion

“La plage de Piriapolis” by benontherun.com is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
A variety of programs exist to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the population, including social assistance measures implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MIDES) that promote gender-based policy and the recognition of the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on women. As the total number of COVID-19 cases continue to decrease and the vaccination campaign successfully progresses, social activities have begun to resume gradually shifting towards a glimpse of post COVID-19 conditions.
- The State Health Services Administration (ASSE) has received a US$ 500,000 non-repayable loan from Japan to further develop telemedicine services. The goal is to increase accessibility to telemedicine services in areas of the country known as the “deep interior.” This loan will fund the development of telehealth applications to provide care for chronic diseases and non-ambulatory medical emergencies.
- The US$ 500,000 non-repayable loan from Japan provides Uruguay with the opportunity to continue leading the digitalization of health services in the region. This opportunity to expand the nature and scope of digital health services comes at a time when telemedicine has proven to play a crucial role in access to health services during COVID-19.
- The Marcha por la Diversidad 2021, a march for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, took place on September 24 along the Avenida del Libertador. Conscious of the risks of COVID-19, organizers emphasized the importance of abiding by sanitary measures, requiring the use of masks and encouraging social distancing. Through slogans alluding to their discontent with the state like “always in the streets, never with Lacalle” and “State absent, our struggle present”, participants denounced the lack of state support to overcome the hardships exacerbated by COVID-19 including the lack of job opportunities for transgender people.
- As social activities resume throughout the country, including the reopening of dance clubs, bowling alleys and theaters, the Ministry of Public Health will relax the protocols for indoor and outdoor events. Beginning on October 4th, capacity for events attended by unvaccinated people will increase to 55% while the capacity for those exclusively attended by vaccinated people will increase to 75%. More specifically, events held in closed venues will be limited to a maximum of 200 people if unvaccinated people are present and 800 people if the event is solely for vaccinated people.
- The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) created the partial unemployment insurance, seguro de paro parcial, in 2020 to extend unemployment benefits to workers who had experienced a decrease in work hours due to COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves the MTSS continues to extend the partial unemployment insurance. Originally scheduled to expire in September 2021, it has been extended once again until March 2022. In addition, the regular unemployment insurance, seguro de paro total, will continue to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the labor market.
- The latest version of the seguro de paro parcial will be limited to specific sectors of employment that have been the most affected. In addition, starting in October employers who plan to place their workers on partial unemployment insurance must send the list to the Banco de Previsión Social (BPS) before the beginning of the month and indicate whether it is due to a reduction of hours or days. Although the overall duration of the program has been extended, the new limiting specifications of the program are intended as a gradual adaptation of regulation towards post COVID-19 conditions.
- The Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, and the Minister of Social Development, Martín Lema have announced the expansion of various social assistance programs for vulnerable groups. The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) will continue granting emergency baskets through their digital app TuApp until March of 2022, and aid to soup kitchens will be extended until April 2022. Similarly, limits on family income generated through formal labor will be eliminated for recipients of Family Allowances-Equity Plan, to incentivize permanence in the formal sector and support the people most affected by COVID-19.
- Beginning in January 2022, the programa Bono Crianza will be made available to 30,000 households in vulnerable conditions. The program will prioritize assistance for early childhood, providing a monthly allowance of 2,000 pesos for food, hygiene and other products related to the upbringing of children from 0 to 3 years of age.
- In honor of the International Day of Rural Women, celebrated on October 15th, the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) along with the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) will host workshops throughout the month to promote the recognition of rural women and highlight the reality they live in relation to gender violence, the economy, education, access to services, and health.
- The National Institute of Women and the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries will work together to disseminate public policies with a gender perspective in the agriculture and livestock sector. They stress that promoting women’s economic autonomy and guaranteeing their access and control over rural resources through gender-based policy will also strengthen their physical autonomy.
- These efforts to celebrate rural women and acknowledge the hardships they experience are one of many gender-based initiatives that have taken place across Uruguay to recognize women’s contributions to society, the economy and the disproportionate hardships experienced during COVID-19. Months prior, the National Institute of Women dedicated the month of March 2021 to a social media campaign designed to recognize, redistribute, and reduce the burden of unpaid domestic work on women.
- According to a recent study, Monitor Educativo, the changes in pedagogical strategies, administration of tests, grading and the limitations brought on by COVID-19 had repercussions on the overall attendance and performance of students. During the 2020 school year, 83% of the students enrolled in secondary school passed their courses and 66% of the students enrolled in highschool passed their courses and were able to advance to the next grade.
See Select Resources for Social and Cultural Inclusion
FALL 2021
Governance and the Rule of Law
Uruguay has been praised for having one of the best responses to the pandemic in Latin America. Despite a strong public health system and a communal sense of responsibility, cases began to increase exponentially during the last trimester of 2020. Since then, Uruguay’s vaccination plan has been recognized as one of the most effective within the region. Currently, approximately 75.1% of the population has been vaccinated with two doses and more than 1.4 million people have received a third booster dose.
- Uruguay never established a mandatory quarantine in 2020, choosing to instead appeal to a communal responsibility along with quick implementation of widespread monitoring and tracking of infections, random testing, and use of models to predict how the virus would advance in different parts of the country. As of December 2021, a total of approximately 6,131 COVID-19 deaths have been registered since March 2020.
- More than a year since the first COVID-19 outbreak, President Luis Lacalle Pou, commends the responsible and supportive freedom exercised by Uruguayans as well as the work of researchers, scientists, healthcare professionals, and educators for their efforts. Like many of its neighboring countries, Uruguay stands out for its high percentage of vaccination; currently approximately 78% of the population has received the first dose and 75.1% have been fully vaccinated.
- Those who have completed their vaccination (at least 2 doses) can access their digital vaccination card, a day after receiving the last dose. The vaccination card will include the dates and type of vaccine received and will automatically update when a third booster dose is administered. All that is required to retrieve the vaccination card is an identification card and the vaccination code provided after the second dose. The card can be accessed through the Coronavirus Uy app, the Ministry of Health website or from a digital medical record.
- The current vaccination stage is focusing on children over 12 years of age, groups that qualify for a third dose, and select tourists. The groups that are currently eligible to receive their third dose include anyone who is immunocompromised, anyone who was previously administered Sinovac, as well as health personnel and individuals over the age of 60 who received both doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines. Additionally, boosters are also available to adults between the ages of 18 and 59 who have received two doses of Pfizer.
- Meanwhile, vaccination for children under 12 years of age was recently approved and will begin in January 2022. Apart from the recommendation issued by the National Vaccine Advisory Commission and professors from the Udelar School of Medicine to inoculate this age group, the Uruguayan government was awaiting the approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to inoculate this age group with the Pfizer vaccine.
- Unlike its neighbors, Uruguay has not signed agreements with laboratories to produce COVID-19 vaccines within the country. However, they are contributing to vaccine accessibility within the region by opening up vaccination to tourists beginning on December 1st. Adults who are eligible can now register to receive the booster shot, and children between the ages of 12 through 18 can register to receive the first two doses. Tourists who entered during the month of November can register beginning on December 2nd. Moving forward tourists will be eligible to register two days after entering the country.
- In September 2021, the Ministry of Health began the “business to business” phase of the vaccination plan, which provides inoculation in the workplace with the purpose of making the vaccine accessible to those who haven’t been able to get vaccinated because of their working hours. Companies must compile a list of employees that want to be vaccinated and send it to the corresponding health care provider to coordinate the vaccination.
- Prior to the “business to business” phase, the Ministry of Health had implemented the “neighborhood to neighborhood” and “town to town” initiatives beginning in the months of July and May, respectively. The “town to town” initiative covered 300 towns throughout the country, vaccinating Uruguayans who for various reasons had not yet been able to get vaccinated and returned to each town in July to administer the second dose. That same month, the “neighborhood to neighborhood” phase began; it focused on the peripheral neighborhoods of Montevideo and the soup kitchens in Canelones. All three phases have improved vaccination accessibility by bringing the vaccine directly to the Uruguayan population.
- Uruguay reopened its borders to tourism on November 1st and implemented a series of requirements for entry including proof of vaccination for adults, a negative PRC test performed within 72 hours prior to the trip, and a second test a week later. They have removed the requirement to quarantine upon arrival. However, they are now requiring a signed declaration that confirms the visitors’ contact information, travel information, details about their stay in Uruguay, proof of vaccination, PRC results and health coverage. This declaration has to be completed electronically and within the 48 hours prior to their arrival in Uruguay.
- Uruguay began administering third booster doses in August 2021 and within the first days of December, more than 1.4 million people had received the booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Additionally, Uruguay will purchase 3.7 million doses from Pfizer to continue providing full immunization for Uruguayans and tourists in 2022, with the guarantee that Pfizer will provide the latest version of the vaccine.
- The Secretary of the Presidency, Álvaro Delgado, has confirmed that a partial border closure for travelers coming from Africa has not been established so far, given that there is no direct travel between the two countries. However, Uruguay is awaiting the statements laboratories will make regarding their vaccine’s coverage of the Omicron variant, and will adjust their sanitary measures accordingly.
- During a meeting held the last week of September 2021, the Ministries of Public Health of Uruguay and Chile agreed to establish a general framework of collaboration to exchange information, professionals, experts, and consultancies. There has already been a lot of collaboration between the two countries on health matters related to COVID-19 during the past year. They plan to expand their collaboration beyond COVID-19 to organ donation, vaccine registry management, mental health, cancer, and other areas.
Growth and Innovation
To mitigate the negative economic effects of COVID-19, Uruguay is focused on stimulating the economy by providing loans and other forms of funding to small and medium businesses, tourism, the agricultural sector, and other sectors of the economy.
- In February 2021, after a meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, the Central Bank reaffirmed its commitment to expansive monetary policy aimed at preventing liquidity restrictions, to ease the economic situation generated by COVID-19. During the most recent meeting in November 2021, the Monetary Policy Committee decided to increase the monetary policy rate (MPR) to 5.75%, raising it by a total of 125 basis points since August. Amid criticisms for this decision, the Central Bank maintains its commitment to adhering to policies consistent with reaching the inflation range between 3% and 6% for the next 24 months.
- In a recent preliminary statement assessing the economy of Uruguay based on Article IV guidelines, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted that the country entered COVID-19 with solid institutions and a high degree of social cohesion, investment grade status, a solid financial sector, and ample reserves buffers but it also recognized the effects of pre-existing macroeconomic imbalances which had caused the economy to stagnate since 2015. The IMF affirms that the Uruguayan economy is recovering, and expects the economy to grow by 3.4% in 2021 after a 5.9% contraction in 2020. Although inflation currently remains above the target range of 3% to 6%, it is projected to reach 7.2% by the end of 2021 and decrease to 5.8% by the end of 2022.
- Nonetheless, the IMF praised Uruguay’s overall COVID-19 response, including the fiscal package that provided support to firms, employment and vulnerable sectors of the population. This package specifically addressed regulatory forbearance, credit guarantee lines, partial unemployment benefit, and the strengthening existing social programs. Yet the IMF highlights that the country will still be affected by the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on young and low-income workers, loss of schooling, and the rapid increase in digitalization.
- According to data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), unemployment continues to rise in Uruguay; currently approximately 143,000 people are unemployed, meaning they do not have a job but are actively looking for one. After months of fluctuating between rates of 9.7% to 11%, the unemployment rate has begun to decrease once again, reaching 8% in October in comparison to the 9.4% of September 2021. When aggregated by gender, the unemployment rate for men has reached 6.9% while the rate for women has reached 9.2%, further highlighting the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on women.
- President Luis Lacalle Pou met with the head of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Mauricio Claver-Carone, who praised Uruguay’s economic, political, and social stability as an advantage for attracting investment. He shared that the IDB is interested in helping Uruguay with projects on water purification and sanitation, transportation, digital infrastructure and logistics and other sectors.
- A new bill has been proposed to the parliament to aid SMEs along the border with Brazil and Argentina. The measures target retail commerce located within 60 kilometers from the border whose gross income during the last fiscal year did not exceed 4 million indexed units. The proposed measures include tariff reductions, tax benefits and contributions that will reduce costs for SMEs, who are affected by the exchange rate differences. Similarly, the program Centro Pyme has begun to open up centers across the country to provide companies and entrepreneurs with spaces where they can access free professional support, and other services that will promote the growth of SMEs.
- The Ministry of Tourism presented a set of measures before the Congress of Mayors to incentivize tourism. These will include the reimbursement of the value added tax (22%) in hotels, gastronomy and car rental services for foreigners. Additionally, they will also provide a 24% discount on fuel at service stations located within a 20 kilometer radius from border entry points. These benefits will be available to tourists who use cards issued outside of Uruguay until April 30, 2022, with the possibility of extending it to Uruguayan citizens. Similar measures were implemented during the tourism season of 2020, to boost as much internal tourism as possible given the sanitary COVID-19 precautions implemented at the time.
- A prospective free trade agreement (FTA) between Uruguay and China has been met with some resistance, with mentions of the potential deal conflicting with MERCOSUR’s restrictions on making preferential agreements with third countries. Given Brazil’s current support, there is pressure to sign this FTA prior to the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections as the new administration might not be supportive of the deal. China is already a major trading partner for the subregion, and the deal promises to further increase trade and investment by increasing market access, therefore motivating market expansion.
- Negotiations with China will not begin until 2022. In the meantime, Minister of Foreign Affairs Francisco Bustillo and Minister of the Economy Azucena Arbeleche are supervising a feasibility study conducted by the free trade agreement negotiating team in collaboration with Chinese counterparts, and informed by the input of sectoral ministries, public and private actors. This study will identify key areas of dialogue which will form the framework for the negotiations. The study is expected to conclude by the end of 2021.
- Local scientists at the Hygiene Institute of Uruguay have begun working on the development of an oral COVID-19 vaccine prototype. The strategy of this oral version of the vaccine is to modify the salmonella bacteria to use it as a vehicle for antigens that will induce an immune response to fight the COVID-19 virus at a mucosal level. The benefit of targeting the virus at a mucosal level is that it will make it difficult for the virus to enter the cells.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
A variety of programs exist to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the population, including social assistance measures implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MIDES) that promote gender-based policy and the recognition of the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on women. As the total number of COVID-19 cases continue to decrease and the vaccination campaign successfully progresses, social activities have begun to resume gradually shifting towards a glimpse of post COVID-19 conditions.
- The State Health Services Administration (ASSE) has received a US$ 500,000 non-repayable loan from Japan to further develop telemedicine services. The goal is to increase accessibility to telemedicine services in areas of the country known as the “deep interior.” This loan will fund the development of telehealth applications to provide care for chronic diseases and non-ambulatory medical emergencies.
- The US$ 500,000 non-repayable loan from Japan provides Uruguay with the opportunity to continue leading the digitalization of health services in the region. This opportunity to expand the nature and scope of digital health services comes at a time when telemedicine has proven to play a crucial role in access to health services during COVID-19.
- As social activities resume throughout the country, including the reopening of dance clubs, bowling alleys and theaters, the Ministry of Public Health will relax the protocols for indoor and outdoor events. Beginning on October 4th, capacity for events attended by unvaccinated people will increase to 55% while the capacity for those exclusively attended by vaccinated people will increase to 75%. More specifically, events held in closed venues will be limited to a maximum of 200 people if unvaccinated people are present and 800 people if the event is solely for vaccinated people.
- The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) created the partial unemployment insurance, seguro de paro parcial, in 2020 to extend unemployment benefits to workers who had experienced a decrease in work hours due to COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves the MTSS continues to extend the partial unemployment insurance. Originally scheduled to expire in September 2021, it has been extended once again until March 2022. In addition, the regular unemployment insurance, seguro de paro total, will continue to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the labor market.
- The latest version of the seguro de paro parcial will be limited to specific sectors of employment that have been the most affected. In addition, starting in October employers who plan to place their workers on partial unemployment insurance must send the list to the Banco de Previsión Social (BPS) before the beginning of the month and indicate whether it is due to a reduction of hours or days. Although the overall duration of the program has been extended, the new limiting specifications of the program are intended as a gradual adaptation of regulation towards post COVID-19 conditions.
- The Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, and the Minister of Social Development, Martín Lema have announced the expansion of various social assistance programs for vulnerable groups. The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) will continue granting emergency baskets through their digital app TuApp until March of 2022, and aid to soup kitchens will be extended until April 2022. Similarly, limits on family income generated through formal labor will be eliminated for recipients of Family Allowances-Equity Plan, to incentivize permanence in the formal sector and support the people most affected by COVID-19.
- Beginning in January 2022, the programa Bono Crianza will be made available to 30,000 households in vulnerable conditions. The program will prioritize assistance for early childhood, providing a monthly allowance of 2,000 pesos for food, hygiene and other products related to the upbringing of children from 0 to 3 years of age.
- The National Institute of Women and the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries will work together to disseminate public policies with a gender perspective in the agriculture and livestock sector. They stress that promoting women’s economic autonomy and guaranteeing their access and control over rural resources through gender-based policy will also strengthen their physical autonomy.
- These efforts to celebrate rural women and acknowledge the hardships they experience are one of many gender-based initiatives that have taken place across Uruguay to recognize women’s contributions to society, the economy and the disproportionate hardships experienced during COVID-19. Months prior, the National Institute of Women dedicated the month of March 2021 to a social media campaign designed to recognize, redistribute, and reduce the burden of unpaid domestic work on women.
- According to a recent study, Monitor Educativo, the changes in pedagogical strategies, administration of tests, grading and the limitations brought on by COVID-19 had repercussions on the overall attendance and performance of students. During the 2020 school year, 83% of the students enrolled in secondary school passed their courses and 66% of the students enrolled in highschool passed their courses and were able to advance to the next grade.
Governance and the Rule of Law
Uruguay has been praised for having one of the best responses to the pandemic in Latin America. Despite a strong public health system and a communal sense of responsibility, cases have begun to increase exponentially. Scientists and other experts are concerned that an effective vaccination campaign will not be enough to curb the spread. The country has administered more than 1 million doses.
- While Uruguay never established a mandatory quarantine in 2020, it quickly implemented widespread monitoring and tracking of infections, random testing, and use of models to predict how the virus would advance in different parts of the country. A year later as cases continue to increase rapidly, many, including scientists, have expressed that the government should have taken stricter measures.
- President Lacalle Pou established an honorary advisory council of experts, Grupo Asesor Científico Honorario (GACH), to make recommendations and identify best available evidence to advise the government in making informed decisions about COVID-19. Today, the group’s research is available to the public on the Presidency’s website.
- The government implemented a new set of measures to reduce the rate of infections including a subsidy for individuals with health conditions over the age of 65, a reduction of public salaries for two months to fund activities affected by the implementation of the new guidelines and the closure of non-essential public offices, clubs, gyms and suspend public shows until April 12th.
- In May 2021, the country surpassed 200,000 total confirmed cases since March 2020. Cases continue to rise despite administering more than 1.8 million vaccines by the first week of , in part due to the presence and continued spread of the Brazilian variant P1.
- During the first week of March, the SinoVac vaccine was administered to vaccinators, educators, police, firefighters, and military personnel. The second week healthcare workers and older adults residing in homes for the elderly were vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. In the weeks that follow, the rest of Uruguayan adults will be vaccinated in phases.
- Registration for the vaccine is done through a website. Using the individual’s priority group and identification number, they are able to choose the time and place for vaccination and the system automatically prompts the user to register for the second dose of the vaccine.
- The vaccination of individuals ages 18 through 70 began during Tourism Week (Holy Week). This group encompasses 2 million people, which is approximately 70% of the population. Contrary to the approach of neighboring countries, Uruguay did not vaccinate all of its older population during the first phase. Beginning on March 22, individuals over the age of 80 became eligible for vaccination with the remaining Pfizer doses the country has reserved.
- COVID-19 has highlighted health, economic and labor informality challenges at the borders, the ministry of Foreign Relations has proposed a National Border Plan, to promote spaces for greater articulation and coordination with Argentina and Brazil. Some of the proposals include greater coordination between agencies, increased state presence, promotion of economic and educational integration, as well as improvements in infrastructure, technology and data exchange at the borders.
- Uruguay has received medical equipment valued at $1.7 million from Saudi Arabia, including 53 ventilators, gloves, surgical masks and gowns. Israel has also provided ventilators and other medical equipment for ICUs, in addition to sending a delegation of doctors who shared their experience, knowledge and protocols used to treat COVID-19. The government of Uruguay has expressed its appreciation towards the gestures of solidarity and the strong relationship it maintains with both.
- The Minister of the Economy, Azucena Arbeleche, has announced that in 2021 the government will allocate a total of $900 million to the Coronavirus Fund, directed towards the most vulnerable sectors of the population, the health sector and the employment sector.
Growth and Innovation
To mitigate the negative economic effects of COVID-19, Uruguay is focused on stimulating the economy by providing loans and other forms of funding to small businesses and transportation, tourism, and other sectors of the economy.
- It had been estimated in prior months that by the end of 2020, the economy would contract by 3.5%. However, the most recent report presented by the Minister of Economy and Finance Azucena Arbeleche, indicates the economy contracted by 5.8%.
- Azucena Arbeleche affirmed that the fiscal estimates projected for 2020 were met without the implementation of tax increases. The country was able to meet their financial targets despite allocating 1,217 million US dollars to address the COVID-19 health crisis, accounting for 2.3% of Uruguay’s GDP in 2020.
- The Uruguayan government extended the business loan guarantees created in 2020 by the SIGA, for micro, medium and large companies through April 2021. In addition, small and medium companies will be granted 100% exemption from employer contributions to social security, while larger companies will receive a 50% reduction.
- Tourism companies that restructured their loans prior to June 30 will be granted an extended grace period of 12 months. This measure will benefit tour operators, travel agencies, hotels, gastronomy, car rental companies, and other transportation services. It is intended to relieve some of the negative effects that COVID-19 has had on this sector of the economy.
- In March 2021 , after a meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, the Central Bank reaffirmed its commitment to expansive monetary policy aimed at preventing liquidity restrictions, in order to ease the economic situation generated by COVID-19.
- The Central Bank also ratified the reference interest rate (MPR) at 4.5% and reaffirmed its commitment to adhering to policies consistent with reaching the inflation range between 3% and 6% for the next 24 months.
- Frente Amplio senators led by former Minister of the Economy Danilo Astori, have presented a bill for a new wealth tax to finance the existing COVID-19 Fund. It will affect those who reside within the country and hold capital or credit abroad, taxing 2% of the taxable assets that exceed the nontaxable minimum corresponding to the existing Impuesto al Patrimonio de las Personas Físicas. If approved the first payment will be due in June 2021, this one-time tax is expected to generate approximately $60 million dollars.
- On International Workers’ Day the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Pablo Mieres, announced a proposal of a bill that will allocate $16 million towards efforts to increase job availability for young people those over 45 and specially women, asking for modifications to current employment promotion regulation. Another bill will propose a job opportunities program projected to grant 15,000 jobs to unemployed workers for 6 months.
- A new job portal will be launched in May which will allow users to evaluate their skills, employment situation, access trainings and search for existing job opportunities. To date, 72,000 people are registered for unemployment insurance representing 38% of the recipients registered in May 2020.
- In April, Uruguay in agreement with Brazil, presented to the Common Market Council a proposal to make MERCOSUR more flexible including the common external tariff. Azucena Arbeleche, assured that the proposal considers the realities of all the member countries and insists that the measures of flexibility proposed will expand possibilities of international integration, generate more jobs and greater economic growth.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
Women and Uruguay’s informal workers have been particularly affected by COVID-19. However, a variety of programs exist to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the population. Education continues to be a top priority as the country prepares for the reopening of schools.
- In February 2021, the Independent Party (PI) proposed a series of new economic and social reforms, including an increase in the amount of economic assistance received through the social cards of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), some of which informal workers are already eligible for.
- The Independent Party has also proposed the creation of a registry for informal workers to facilitate their incorporation into social programs, the registry would be a joint effort between the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and MIDES.
- As a result of the surge in active cases, the government announced an expansion of the existing social assistance programs, including the doubling of the amounts granted through family allowances and the food assistance program from the Ministry of Social Development, though May and June 2021.
- In celebration of women, the National Institute of Women dedicated the month of March 2021 to a social media campaign designed to recognize, redistribute, and reduce the burden of unpaid work on women. This burden has been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic as women attempt to reconcile the responsibilities of paid work with completing domestic chores, caring for children and other dependents.
- For the International Day of Women, activists across the country participated in a more decentralized approach to avoid the agglomeration of crowds, opting for smaller demonstrations, artistic interventions in neighborhoods and virtual campaigns. The main focus of this year’s demonstrations includes the deepening of gender-based violence and precariousness of life in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- MIDES announced it will allocate $115 million pesos to provide assistance to more than 300 community kitchens with the help of the organization Uruguay Adelante, who will be in charge of distributing resources and food. The decision to use Uruguay Adelante as an intermediary has not been well received by the former director of MIDES Juan Pablo Labat and community kitchens that are members of the Coordinadora Popular y Solidaria, who characterize it as an unknown organization that lacks the experience to take on this task.
- According to the Coordinadora de Ollas Populares these community kitchens throughout the country feed approximately 20.000 people per day. For the past year, these community kitchens have operated due to the solidarity of the volunteers who work in them and assistance from organizations and anonymous donors.
- In light of the International Day to Combat Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, and the increase in domestic violence due to COVID-19, the Sistema Integral de Protección a la Infancia y a la Adolescencia contra la Violencia (SIPIAV), reported that in 2020 they registered and intervened in a total of 4,911 cases of violence against children and adolescents, of which 56% corresponded to female victims. They recognize that many cases are not reported and highlight that it is important for Uruguayans as a society and as individuals to face and combat this problem.
- President Lacalle Pou has announced the gradual reopening of schools based on age and location. Rural schools with only one teacher will resume in person learning on May 3 and rural schools with up to 50 children (including seventh, eighth and ninth grade) on May 10. On this date, students up to 5 years of age from private and public schools will also return to school. The remaining rural schools and students from first to thirds grade will return on May 18, with the exception of those in Montevideo and Canelones.
- There is no official date for a return of all educational grades, although there is a tentative schedule that suggests June 27. The Minister of Public Health reported that the current percentage of vaccination of teaching and non-teaching staff across institutions of all educational grades has reached 72%.
- The National Sports Secretariat (SND) along with participating sports associations have begun a campaign to promote the donation of plasma among athletes who have recovered from COVID-19, in order to create a plasma bank that will provide the necessary antibodies to rehabilitate patients with COVID-19.
FALL 2020
Governance and the Rule of Law
Uruguay has been praised for having one of the best responses to the pandemic in Latin America. The first COVID-19 cases in Uruguay were confirmed only a few weeks after President Luis Lacalle Pou’s first day in office. A strong public health system, geography and a communal sense of responsibility have helped Uruguay curb the spread of the virus.
- President Luis Lacalle Pou began his presidency on March 1 and has encountered support from society and his opposition for the measures taken to curb the spread of the virus.
- While Uruguay never established a mandatory quarantine, it quickly implemented widespread monitoring and tracking of infections, random testing, and use of models to predict how the virus would advance in different parts of the country.
- Uruguay’s culture of home-based medicine has facilitated at home tests and doctor visits, therefore reducing the chance of dissemination of COVID-19 in hospitals.
- President Lacalle Pou established an honorary advisory council of more than 40 experts to collect recommendations and identify best available evidence to develop reports to help the government make informed decisions.
- All academic research and reports produced by the group of scientific experts, Grupo Asesor Científico Honorario (GACH), on COVID-19 will be available to the public on the Presidency’s website.
- Uruguay has had relatively few COVID-19 cases—around 4,000 cumulatively— due to the government’s prompt declaration of a health emergency in March.
- Uruguay has effectively appealed to a communal responsibility. Uruguayan society has been praised for responsible civic behaviors,voluntarily reducing their mobility, and staying home if it was not necessary to leave.
- Additional safety measures were taken to address the arrival of persons participating in the departmental elections in September, including proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken 72 hours prior to their arrival and a four-day quarantine upon arrival.
- Brazil and Uruguay signed an agreement to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 through the coordination of preventive measures in the border territories of Artigas and Bella Unión in Argentina and Quaraí and Barra do Quaraí in Brazil.
- As a result of increasing COVID-19 cases since September, President Luis Lacalle Pou announced that the Uruguayan border will be closed during the summer months. Entry will be allowed only for citizens, residents, or people requiring entry due to work or family issues.
- The Ministry of Labor has announced the campaign Trabajo Responsible (Responsible Work), through which the government will monitor and enforce companies and business’ compliance of COVID-19 health guidelines.
- Uruguay joined COVAX in mid-October after considering acquiring the vaccine from AstraZeneca; the decision was made by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), the Grupo Asesor Científico Honorario (GACH) and the President.
- Uruguay will receive 1.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to immunize 750,000 people.A team of doctors, scientists, and mathematicians have begun to advise the MSP on how to distribute the vaccine.
Growth and Innovation
Uruguay is focused on stimulating the economy by providing loans and other forms of funding to small businesses and transportation, tourism, and other sectors of the economy. To avoid a surge in COVID-19 cases, the country has decided to close its borders for the summer months, intending to mitigate the economic effects of this decision through economic initiatives that encourage local tourism.
- Uruguay has made rules more flexible for claiming unemployment; older workers over the age of 65 are being paid to stay home, and some companies are cancelling or reducing the cost of utility payments for their customers.
- With the help of Google and Apple, Uruguay is the first country on the continent to implement a mobile application with COVID-19 Exposure Notification application programing interface (API), which allows for digital contact tracing.
- Uruguay’s exports to China fell during the first quarter of 2020. This is significant given that China accounted for 31% of total exports in 2019.
- In September, President Xi Jinping of China expressed an interest in deepening commercial relations with Uruguay beginning with an increase in exports of Uruguayan products.
- Uruguay is expected to see a contraction of 3.7%, followed by a rebound in 2021.
- A meeting held between the Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, and the Asociación Rural del Uruguay (ARU) in September presented measures targeted towards increasing economic growth and employment.
- Slow economic recovery can be observed through indicators such as the increases in production in the manufacturing industry, in consumption of fuels, and in the collection of taxes by the Dirección General Impeditive (DGI).
- Uruguay will resume air travel with Europe after the EU announced in June that they would allow travel from 15 countries including Uruguay. Flights from Miami to Montevideo are scheduled to resume in early November.
- The transportation sector will receive a third set of subsidies valued at 330 million pesos, meant to fund the maintenance and proper adaptation of transportation services to comply with COVID-19 needs.
- The Uruguayan government announced Plan Verano, a program that will provide economic relief for the tourism sector and include discounts for business owners and consumers to stimulate local tourism. The program will be carried out from December 2020 through April 2021.
- As of late November, El Sistema Nacional de Garantías (SIGA) has begun directing loans towards the tourism sector as part of Plan Verano.The SIGA loan program for medium and small businesses that was set to expire on December 31 will be extended until April 4, 2020.
- Other efforts to reactivate local tourism include the rewards program BROU Recompensa launched by Banco República which provides discounts for restaurants, hotels, fuel, pharmacies, and supermarkets.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
Women and Uruguay’s informal workers have been particularly affected by unemployment. However, a variety of programs exist to aid the most vulnerable sectors of the population. In the past months there has been an increase in the requests for economic assistance offered by the Ministry of Social Development.
- While Uruguay has made unemployment more flexible, informal workers still do not have access to el seguro de paro.
- From September to October, the number of workers receiving the unemployment benefits, seguro de paro, decreased by 10,000. The Ministry of Labor has not confirmed how much of the decrease is due to reincorporation into the labor force or dismissals.
- There has been an increase in the number of people requesting economic assistance from the Ministry of Social Development. This winter there were an additional 50% to 60% of available spots in the homeless shelter program, in comparison to the previous year.
- The economic assistance received through the Uruguay social card and the family program Plan de Equidad will be doubled for the fourth time, through the months of November and December to aid individuals and families being affected by COVID-19.
- To prevent cases of domestic violence, the government announced measures that include a new hotline and email address to submit complaints. Inmujeres, 24-hour shelters for women, will expand their capacity to take in more women.
- Uruguay was the first country in Latin America to return to face-to-face learning. The return is not mandatory and is being done in stages.
- The president of the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) announced that beginning in February 2021 tutoring and other pedagogical strategies will be implemented to meet the specific needs of students in vulnerable conditions, prioritizing elementary school curriculum.
- Ceibal en Inglés successfully redesigned their program to fit the virtual format which allowed approximately 3,200 education centers across the country to participate in this virtual English program.
- Due to COVID-19’s impact on education, beginning in February and March, new students at the Universidad de la República (UdelaR) will be required to take a virtual course to review basic language and mathematical concepts tailored to their area of study.
- The Instituto Nacional de Carnes (INAC) has made contributions to more than 50 community kitchens of the Instituto Nacional de Alimentación (INDA) in 17 departments across the country.
- On October 28, teachers participated in marches to protest the decrease in funding allocated to the National Public Education Administration (ANEP) and the decrease in teacher jobs and salaries proposed in the National Budget Law. Both decisions are a cause for concern as more students are expected to attend classes in person in the coming months.
- The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), expressed concerns via Twitter about a police operative aimed at dissolving crowds of people in the Plaza Líber Seregni in Montevideo, suggesting the use of excessive force. The Government of Uruguay responded affirming the police had followed proper protocol to enforce COVID-19 guidelines.
- A monument to commemorate COVID-19 victims will be built on the coast of Montevideo. Expected to be completed by mid-2021, it will be funded by the private sector and the land will be provided by the government.
Governance and the Rule of Law
Uruguay has been praised for having one of the best responses to the pandemic in Latin America. The first COVID-19 cases in Uruguay were confirmed only a few weeks after President Luis Lacalle Pou’s first day in office. A strong public health system, geography, and a communal sense of responsibility have helped Uruguay curb the spread of the virus.
- President Luis Lacalle Pou began his presidency on March 1 and has encountered support from society and his opposition for the measures taken to curb the spread of the virus.
- Uruguay has therefore addressed the pandemic with consensus. Uruguay has been praised for acting swiftly on the same day its first positive cases were confirmed.
- Given its strong public health system, Uruguay was able to produce many of its own PCR COVID-19 tests which allowed for contact tracing.
- Uruguay quickly implemented widespread monitoring and tracking of infections, random testing, and use of models to predict how the virus would advance in different parts of the country.
- While Uruguay never established a mandatory quarantine, it enforced testing, which made the country the fourth highest for testing rates in Latin America.
- President Lacalle Pou established an honorary advisory council of more than 40 experts to collect recommendations and identify best available evidence to develop reports to help the government make informed decisions.
- Uruguay has effectively appealed to a communal responsibility. Uruguayan society has been praised for responsible civic behaviors,voluntarily reducing their mobility, and staying home if it was not necessary to leave.
- Uruguay’s geographic landscape and low-density population have been beneficial factors in the fight against COVID-19. A sparsely populated interior acts as a barrier from outbreaks in Brazil and Argentina.
- Concern over Brazil’s COVID-19 cases led Uruguay to take stricter measures in cities that border its neighboring country. It established additional checkpoints along the border and has conducted random infection tests in the city of Rivera.
- The president collaborated with the private sector through a campaign called Nos Cuidamos entre Todos to raise funds and resources for Uruguay’s COVID-19 response.
Growth and Innovation
Uruguay has invested funds and resources to ensure its citizens can sustain themselves through the effects of the pandemic. High-earning public officials have taken a 20% cut on their salaries to fund a national COVID-19 fund.
- Uruguay has made rules more flexible for claiming unemployment; older workers over the age of 65 are being paid to stay home, and some companies are cancelling or reducing the cost of utility payments for their customers.
- In June, the government began incentivising new employment by paying companies 5,000 pesos per month for three months for each new employee. This amount is about one third of Uruguay’s minimum wage.
- The salaries of public officials who make more than $1,800 a month have been reduced by 20% to demonstrate solidarity. These new savings directly fund Uruguay’s fondo del coronavirus.
- Uruguay has been calling for meetings with local and foreign investors as it capitalizes off its image of stability due to the manner it has handled the pandemic.
- The government allocated $22 million to strengthen social initiatives aimed at helping the most vulnerable citizens. The funds will go towards shelters, the National Food Institute, and the balance of food cards.
- With the help of Google and Apple, Uruguay is the first country on the continent to implement a mobile application with COVID-19 Exposure Notification application programing interface (API), which allows for digital contact tracing.
- Despite the advancements Uruguay has made against the pandemic, the economic repercussions will still be perceptible. The economy will go into a recession in 2020, which will impact employment, incomes, poverty, and inequality.
- Uruguay’s exports to China fell during the first quarter of 2020. This is significant given that China accounted for 31% of total exports in 2019.
- Uruguay is expected to see a contraction of 3.7%, followed by a rebound in 2021.
- Approximately 20,000 Uruguayans have been laid off since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in March. In response, unemployment benefits have been extended until September 30, now incorporating seasonal workers.
Social and Cultural Inclusion
Uruguay’s informal workers and women have been particularly affected by unemployment.They are individuals who have difficulty obtaining economic help from the state.
- While Uruguay has made unemployment more flexible, informal workers still do not have access to el seguro de paro.
- Stay-at-home measures impact women disproportionately compared to men. For example, domestic workers, who are majority women, often do not have a financial safety net and have difficulty accessing unemployment.
- To prevent cases of domestic violence, the government announced measures that include a new hotline and email address to submit complaints. Inmujeres, 24-hour shelters for women, will expand their capacity to take in more women.
- Uruguay had been making efforts to digitize before the pandemic arrived, making online transitions during the pandemic much smoother. 80% of homes have access to the Internet.
- Uruguay was the first country in Latin America to return to face-to-face learning. The return is not mandatory and is being done in stages.
Select resources for Uruguay:
Governance and the Rule of Law Spring 2022:
CNN Radio Argentina. (2022, 19 de enero). Turismo en pandemia: optimismo en Uruguay para lo que resta de la temporada. https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/radio/2022/01/19/turismo-en-pandemia-optimismo-para-lo-que-resta-de-la-temporada-en-uruguay/
La Diaria. (2021, October 29). ¿Qué se les pide a los extranjeros para entrar a Uruguay a partir del 1º de noviembre? https://ladiaria.com.uy/coronavirus/articulo/2021/10/que-se-les-pide-a-los-extranjeros-para-entrar-a-uruguay-a-partir-del-1o-de-noviembre/
Infobae. (2021, September 15). Uruguay comenzó con la vacunación “empresa a empresa”.
————. (2021, October 5). Vacunación COVID-19: cómo obtener el certificado digital. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/vacunacion-covid-obtener-certificado-digital.html
McGill COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Team. (2021, December 2). Vaccination Rates, Approvals & Trials By Country. https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/trials-vaccines-by-country/
Ministerio de Salud Pública. (2022, February 28). Monitor de Datos de vacunación COVID-19. https://monitor.uruguaysevacuna.gub.uy/
El Observador. (2022, February 22). Moderna anuncia su alianza con un laboratorio uruguayo. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/moderna-anuncia-su-alianza-con-un-laboratorio-uruguayo-202222219307
Our World in Data. (2022, February 28). Uruguay: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/uruguay
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021). Plan de vacunación COVID-19. https://www.gub.uy/uruguaysevacuna
————. (2021, September 27). Ministerios de Uruguay y Chile acuerdan fortalecer cooperación técnica para prevención y promoción de salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerios-uruguay-chile-acuerdan-fortalecer-cooperacion-tecnica-para
————. (2021, November 1). Uruguay reabrió sus fronteras a turistas de todo el mundo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-reabrio-sus-fronteras-turistas-todo-mundo
————. (2021, November 24). Comisión Asesora de Vacunas recomienda inoculación contra COVID-19 para niños de 5 a 11 años. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/comision-asesora-vacunas-recomienda-inoculacion-contra-covid-19-para-ninos-5
————. (2021, November 26). Turistas que ingresen a Uruguay podrán vacunarse contra COVID-19 a partir del 1.° de diciembre. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/turistas-ingresen-uruguay-podran-vacunarse-contra-covid-19-partir-del-1
————. (2021, February 23). Salud Pública habilitó agenda para dosis de refuerzo a personas de entre 12 y 17 años y mayores de 50. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/salud-publica-habilito-agenda-para-dosis-refuerzo-personas-entre-12-17-anos
————. (2021, February 23). Gobierno redujo cantidad de días de cuarentena por casos de COVID-19. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-redujo-cantidad-dias-cuarentena-casos-covid-19
Reuters. (2021, December 2). Uruguay: COVID-19 Tracker. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/uruguay/
Growth and Innovation Spring 2022:
Banco Central de Uruguay. (2021, November 11). El BCU resolvió incrementar 50 puntos básicos la tasa de política monetaria hasta 5,75%. https://www.bcu.gub.uy/Politica-Economica-y-Mercados/Comunicados%20del%20Copom/COPOM_Comunicado_2021111.pdf
Culshaw, F. (2021, November 20). La estrategia de Lacalle para firmar el TLC con China en 2022 y no pelearse con Argentina y Brasil. El País. https://www.elpais.com.uy/que-pasa/estrategia-lacalle-firmar-tlc-china-pelearse-argentina-brasil.html
Giambartolomei, M. (2022, 19 de marzo). Sputnik V: relegada en el mundo por la guerra con Ucrania, la vacuna rusa sigue fabricándose en el país. La Nacion. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/sputnik-v-relegada-en-el-mundo-por-la-guerra-con-ucrania-la-vacuna-rusa-sigue-fabricandose-en-el-nid19032022/
International Monetary Fund. (2021, December 2). IMF Executive Board Concludes 2021 Article IV Consultation with Uruguay. https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2021/12/02/pr21355-Uruguay-IMF-Executive-Board-Concludes-2021-Article-IV-Consultation
El Observador. (2021, October 26). A menos de una semana de la reapertura de fronteras, gobierno define detalles para la vacunación de turistas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/a-menos-de-una-semana-de-la-reapertura-de-fronteras-gobierno-define-detalles-para-la-vacunacion-de-turistas-202110269212
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 16). Lacalle Pou recibió al presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/lacalle-pou-recibio-presidente-del-banco-interamericano-desarrollo
————. (2021, September 28). Ejecutivo anunció beneficios tributarios y de precios para micro, pequeños y medianos comercios fronterizos. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ejecutivo-anuncio-beneficios-tributarios-precios-para-micro-pequenos-medianos
————. (2021, September 28). Inició su trabajo el equipo negociador del estudio de factibilidad para acuerdo con China. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/inicio-su-trabajo-equipo-negociador-del-estudio-factibilidad-para-acuerdo
Quintas, L. (2021, November 8). Uruguay en verano: promos y beneficios fiscales para argentinos, requisitos para viajar y vacunas para turistas. https://www.cronista.com/clase/break/uruguay-en-verano-promociones-y-beneficios-fiscales-para-argentinos-requisitos-para-viajar-y-vacunas-para-turistas/
Urwicz, T. (2021, November 5). Uruguay inicia el desarrollo de un prototipo de vacuna oral contra el COVID-19, ¿de qué se trata?. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/uruguay-inicia-desarrollo-prototipo-vacuna-oral-covid-trata.html
Vaillant, M. (2021, October 7). Why Uruguay’s Bet on China Matters for Latin America. https://www.americasquarterly.org/article/why-uruguays-bet-on-china-matters-for-latin-america/
Social and Cultural Inclusion Spring 2022:
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 7). Ministerio de Trabajo extiende hasta marzo de 2022 el seguro de paro parcial. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerio-trabajo-extiende-hasta-marzo-2022-seguro-paro-parcial
————. (2021, September 22). Desde el 1.° de octubre regirán modificaciones en el seguro de paro parcial para sectores afectados por la pandemia. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/desde-1-octubre-regiran-modificaciones-seguro-paro-parcial-para-sectores
————. (2021, September 27). Préstamo no reembolsable de Japón posibilita implementar telemedicina en salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/prestamo-reembolsable-japon-posibilita-implementar-telemedicina-salud
————. (2021, October 1). Gobierno promueve talleres e instancias de intercambio durante el Mes de las Mujeres Rurales y del Agro. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-promueve-talleres-instancias-intercambio-durante-mes-mujeres-rurales
————. (2021, October 28). Gobierno presentó nuevas medidas de apoyo para sectores socialmente vulnerables. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-presento-nuevas-medidas-apoyo-para-sectores-socialmente-vulnerables
————. (2021, October 29). El 83% de los estudiantes de UTU aprobó educación media básica durante 2020. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/83-estudiantes-utu-aprobo-educacion-media-basica-durante-2020
————. (2022, January 28). Uruguay firmó préstamo con el BID para crear programa que aborde la violencia de género. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-firmo-prestamo-bid-para-crear-programa-aborde-violencia-genero
————. (2022, February 22). Gobierno y Poder Judicial inauguraron primer juzgado especializado en violencia de género en el interior del país. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-poder-judicial-inauguraron-primer-juzgado-especializado-violencia
Urwicz, T. (2022, 25 de enero). Gobierno apelará a aulas virtuales para sumar horas de clase. El País. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/gobierno-apelara-aulas-virtuales-sumar-horas-clase.html
Governance and the Rule of Law:
La Diaria. (2021, October 29). ¿Qué se les pide a los extranjeros para entrar a Uruguay a partir del 1º de noviembre? https://ladiaria.com.uy/coronavirus/articulo/2021/10/que-se-les-pide-a-los-extranjeros-para-entrar-a-uruguay-a-partir-del-1o-de-noviembre/
Infobae. (2021, September 15). Uruguay comenzó con la vacunación “empresa a empresa”. https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2021/09/15/uruguay-comenzo-con-la-vacunacion-empresa-a-empresa/
————. (2021, October 29). Uruguay comprará 3,7 millones de vacunas de Pfizer contra el COVID-19 para aplicar terceras dosis e inmunizar a turistas. https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2021/10/29/uruguay-comprara-37-millones-de-dosis-de-la-vacuna-de-pfizer-contra-el-covid-19-para-aplicar-terceras-dosis-e-inmunizar-a-turistas/
————. (2021, October 5). Vacunación COVID-19: cómo obtener el certificado digital. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/vacunacion-covid-obtener-certificado-digital.html
————. (2021, November 10). Sepa cuándo podrán agendarse los turistas para recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/sepa-podran-agendarse-turistas-recibir-vacuna-covid.html
McGill COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Team. (2021, November 5). Vaccination Rates, Approvals & Trials By Country. https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/trials-vaccines-by-country/
Ministerio de Salud Pública. (2021, November 5). Monitor de Datos de vacunación COVID-19. https://monitor.uruguaysevacuna.gub.uy/
Our World in Data. (2021, November 9). Uruguay: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/uruguay
Vaillant, M. (2021, October 7). Why Uruguay’s Bet on China Matters for Latin America. https://www.americasquarterly.org/article/why-uruguays-bet-on-china-matters-for-latin-america/
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021). Plan de vacunación COVID-19. https://www.gub.uy/uruguaysevacuna
————. (2021, September 17). Gobierno adquirirá 500.000 dosis de vacunas Pfizer que arribarán en el último trimestre de 2021. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-adquirira-500000-dosis-vacunas-pfizer-arribaran-ultimo-trimestre
————. (2021, September 22). Lacalle Pou: “Si hay algo que nos deja de enseñanza esta pandemia, es que todos somos uno. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/lacalle-pou-hay-algo-nos-deja-ensenanza-pandemia-es-todos-somos
————. (2021, September 27). Ministerios de Uruguay y Chile acuerdan fortalecer cooperación técnica para prevención y promoción de salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerios-uruguay-chile-acuerdan-fortalecer-cooperacion-tecnica-para
————. (2021, November 1). Uruguay reabrió sus fronteras a turistas de todo el mundo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-reabrio-sus-fronteras-turistas-todo-mundo
Reuters. (2021, November 5). Uruguay: COVID-19 Tracker. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/uruguay/
Growth and Innovation:
Banco Central de Uruguay. (2021, February 11). El Banco Central ratificó la instancia expansiva de la política monetaria. https://www.bcu.gub.uy/Comunicaciones/Paginas/COPOM_Comunicado_20210211.aspx
————. (2021, October 5). El BCU resolvió incrementar la tasa de política monetaria a 5,25%. https://www.bcu.gub.uy/Paginas/Detalle-Noticia.aspx?noticia=76&vista=Listado
Instituto Nacional de Estadística. (2021, November 3). Boletín Técnico: Actividad, Empleo y Desempleo. https://www.ine.gub.uy/documents/10181/30865/ECH+Empleo+Setiembre+2021/b47318ae-dab2-4f25-a1d6-6424599737d9
International Monetary Fund. (2021, October 6). Uruguay: Declaración final del personal técnico sobre la misión de consulta del Artículo IV a Uruguay correspondiente a 2021. https://www.imf.org/es/News/Articles/2021/10/06/mcs100621-uruguay-staff-concluding-statement-of-the-2021-article-iv-mission
Merco Press. (2021, October 7). IMF praises Uruguay’s handling of the pandemic and forecasts 3,4% recovery this year. https://en.mercopress.com/2021/10/07/imf-praises-uruguay-s-handling-of-the-pandemic-and-forecasts-3-4-recovery-this-year
El Observador. (2021, October 26). A menos de una semana de la reapertura de fronteras, gobierno define detalles para la vacunación de turistas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/a-menos-de-una-semana-de-la-reapertura-de-fronteras-gobierno-define-detalles-para-la-vacunacion-de-turistas-202110269212
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 16). Lacalle Pou recibió al presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/lacalle-pou-recibio-presidente-del-banco-interamericano-desarrollo
————. (2021, September 28). Ejecutivo anunció beneficios tributarios y de precios para micro, pequeños y medianos comercios fronterizos. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ejecutivo-anuncio-beneficios-tributarios-precios-para-micro-pequenos-medianos
————. (2021, September 28). Inició su trabajo el equipo negociador del estudio de factibilidad para acuerdo con China. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/inicio-su-trabajo-equipo-negociador-del-estudio-factibilidad-para-acuerdo
————. (2021, September 30). “El país quiere trabajar y nosotros vamos a respaldar al que quiere hacerlo”. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/pais-quiere-trabajar-nosotros-vamos-respaldar-quiere-hacerlo
————. (2021, October 4). Uruguay habilitó protocolo sanitario para cruceristas. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-habilito-protocolo-sanitario-para-cruceristas
Quintas, L. (2021, November 8). Uruguay en verano: promos y beneficios fiscales para argentinos, requisitos para viajar y vacunas para turistas. https://www.cronista.com/clase/break/uruguay-en-verano-promociones-y-beneficios-fiscales-para-argentinos-requisitos-para-viajar-y-vacunas-para-turistas/
Urwicz, T. (2021, November 5). Uruguay inicia el desarrollo de un prototipo de vacuna oral contra el COVID-19, ¿de qué se trata?. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/uruguay-inicia-desarrollo-prototipo-vacuna-oral-covid-trata.html
Social and Cultural Inclusion:
Deutsche Welle. (2021, September 25). Miles marchan en Uruguay en defensa de la diversidad. https://www.dw.com/es/miles-marchan-en-uruguay-en-defensa-de-la-diversidad/a-59304531
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. (2021, March 8). Marzo: mes de las mujeres. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-desarrollo-social/comunicacion/comunicados/marzo-mes-mujeres-0
El Observador. (2021, September 28). Aumenta hasta 75% el aforo en eventos y sals que admitan solo personas vacunadas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/aumento-hasta-75-el-aforo-para-eventos-y-fiestas-que-sean-solo-con-personas-vacunadas–2021928185528
El País. (2021, September 23). Marcha por la Diversidad 2021 en Uruguay: fecha, hora y lugar. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/sociedad/marcha-diversidad-uruguay-definio-fecha-hora-lugar.html
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 7). Ministerio de Trabajo extiende hasta marzo de 2022 el seguro de paro parcial. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerio-trabajo-extiende-hasta-marzo-2022-seguro-paro-parcial
————. (2021, September 17). Beneficiarios de Desarrollo Social accederán a cursos de inglés de la Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/beneficiarios-desarrollo-social-accederan-cursos-ingles-alianza-cultural
————. (2021, September 22). Desde el 1.° de octubre regirán modificaciones en el seguro de paro parcial para sectores afectados por la pandemia. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/desde-1-octubre-regiran-modificaciones-seguro-paro-parcial-para-sectores
————. (2021, September 27). Préstamo no reembolsable de Japón posibilita implementar telemedicina en salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/prestamo-reembolsable-japon-posibilita-implementar-telemedicina-salud
————. (2021, October 1). Gobierno promueve talleres e instancias de intercambio durante el Mes de las Mujeres Rurales y del Agro. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-promueve-talleres-instancias-intercambio-durante-mes-mujeres-rurales
————. (2021, October 28). Gobierno presentó nuevas medidas de apoyo para sectores socialmente vulnerables. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-presento-nuevas-medidas-apoyo-para-sectores-socialmente-vulnerables
————. (2021, October 29). El 83% de los estudiantes de UTU aprobó educación media básica durante 2020. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/83-estudiantes-utu-aprobo-educacion-media-basica-durante-2020
Governance and Rule of Law Fall 2021:
La Diaria. (2021, October 29). ¿Qué se les pide a los extranjeros para entrar a Uruguay a partir del 1º de noviembre? https://ladiaria.com.uy/coronavirus/articulo/2021/10/que-se-les-pide-a-los-extranjeros-para-entrar-a-uruguay-a-partir-del-1o-de-noviembre/
Infobae. (2021, September 15). Uruguay comenzó con la vacunación “empresa a empresa”.https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2021/09/15/uruguay-comenzo-con-la-vacunacion-empresa-a-empresa/
————. (2021, October 5). Vacunación COVID-19: cómo obtener el certificado digital. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/vacunacion-covid-obtener-certificado-digital.html
McGill COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Team. (2021, December 2). Vaccination Rates, Approvals & Trials By Country. https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/trials-vaccines-by-country/
Ministerio de Salud Pública. (2021, December 2). Monitor de Datos de vacunación COVID-19. https://monitor.uruguaysevacuna.gub.uy/
Our World in Data. (2021, December 2). Uruguay: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/uruguay
El País. (2021, November 28). Ómicron: Pfizer will provide Uruguay with the most updated version of its vaccine, Delgado said. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/omicron-pfizer-proprcionara-uruguay-version-actualizada-vacuna-dijo-delgado.html
————. (2021, December 2). Paso a paso: cómo deben hacer los turistas en Uruguay para anotarse y recibir la vacuna. La Nación. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/el-mundo/paso-a-paso-como-deben-hacer-los-turistas-en-uruguay-para-agendarse-y-recibir-la-vacuna-nid02122021/
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021). Plan de vacunación COVID-19. https://www.gub.uy/uruguaysevacuna
————. (2021, September 27). Ministerios de Uruguay y Chile acuerdan fortalecer cooperación técnica para prevención y promoción de salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerios-uruguay-chile-acuerdan-fortalecer-cooperacion-tecnica-para
————. (2021, November 1). Uruguay reabrió sus fronteras a turistas de todo el mundo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-reabrio-sus-fronteras-turistas-todo-mundo
————. (2021, November 24). Comisión Asesora de Vacunas recomienda inoculación contra COVID-19 para niños de 5 a 11 años. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/comision-asesora-vacunas-recomienda-inoculacion-contra-covid-19-para-ninos-5
————. (2021, November 26). Turistas que ingresen a Uruguay podrán vacunarse contra COVID-19 a partir del 1.° de diciembre. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/turistas-ingresen-uruguay-podran-vacunarse-contra-covid-19-partir-del-1
Reuters. (2021, December 2). Uruguay: COVID-19 Tracker. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/uruguay/
Growth and Innovation Fall 2021:
Banco Central de Uruguay. (2021, November 11). El BCU resolvió incrementar 50 puntos básicos la tasa de política monetaria hasta 5,75%. https://www.bcu.gub.uy/Politica-Economica-y-Mercados/Comunicados%20del%20Copom/COPOM_Comunicado_2021111.pdf
Culshaw, F. (2021, November 20). La estrategia de Lacalle para firmar el TLC con China en 2022 y no pelearse con Argentina y Brasil. El País. https://www.elpais.com.uy/que-pasa/estrategia-lacalle-firmar-tlc-china-pelearse-argentina-brasil.html
La Diaria. (2021, November 11). Banco Central elevó a 5,75% la tasa de interés en busca de contener la inflación. https://ladiaria.com.uy/economia/articulo/2021/11/banco-central-elevo-a-575-la-tasa-de-interes-en-busca-de-contener-la-inflacion/
Instituto Nacional de Estadística. (2021, December 1). Boletín Técnico: Actividad, Empleo y Desempleo. Octubre 2021. https://medios.presidencia.gub.uy/tav_portal/2021/noticias/AI_680/ECH%20Empleo%20Octubre%202021.pdf
International Monetary Fund. (2021, December 2). IMF Executive Board Concludes 2021 Article IV Consultation with Uruguay. https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2021/12/02/pr21355-Uruguay-IMF-Executive-Board-Concludes-2021-Article-IV-Consultation
El Observador. (2021, October 26). A menos de una semana de la reapertura de fronteras, gobierno define detalles para la vacunación de turistas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/a-menos-de-una-semana-de-la-reapertura-de-fronteras-gobierno-define-detalles-para-la-vacunacion-de-turistas-202110269212
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 16). Lacalle Pou recibió al presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/lacalle-pou-recibio-presidente-del-banco-interamericano-desarrollo
————. (2021, September 28). Ejecutivo anunció beneficios tributarios y de precios para micro, pequeños y medianos comercios fronterizos. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ejecutivo-anuncio-beneficios-tributarios-precios-para-micro-pequenos-medianos
————. (2021, September 28). Inició su trabajo el equipo negociador del estudio de factibilidad para acuerdo con China. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/inicio-su-trabajo-equipo-negociador-del-estudio-factibilidad-para-acuerdo
————. (2021, September 30). “El país quiere trabajar y nosotros vamos a respaldar al que quiere hacerlo”. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/pais-quiere-trabajar-nosotros-vamos-respaldar-quiere-hacerlo
————. (2021, October 4). Uruguay habilitó protocolo sanitario para cruceristas. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/uruguay-habilito-protocolo-sanitario-para-cruceristas
Quintas, L. (2021, November 8). Uruguay en verano: promos y beneficios fiscales para argentinos, requisitos para viajar y vacunas para turistas. https://www.cronista.com/clase/break/uruguay-en-verano-promociones-y-beneficios-fiscales-para-argentinos-requisitos-para-viajar-y-vacunas-para-turistas/
Urwicz, T. (2021, November 5). Uruguay inicia el desarrollo de un prototipo de vacuna oral contra el COVID-19, ¿de qué se trata?. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/uruguay-inicia-desarrollo-prototipo-vacuna-oral-covid-trata.html
Vaillant, M. (2021, October 7). Why Uruguay’s Bet on China Matters for Latin America. https://www.americasquarterly.org/article/why-uruguays-bet-on-china-matters-for-latin-america/
Social and Cultural Inclusion Fall 2021:
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. (2021, March 8). Marzo: mes de las mujeres. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-desarrollo-social/comunicacion/comunicados/marzo-mes-mujeres-0
El Observador. (2021, September 28). Aumenta hasta 75% el aforo en eventos y sals que admitan solo personas vacunadas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/aumento-hasta-75-el-aforo-para-eventos-y-fiestas-que-sean-solo-con-personas-vacunadas–2021928185528
El País. (2021, September 23). Marcha por la Diversidad 2021 en Uruguay: fecha, hora y lugar. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/sociedad/marcha-diversidad-uruguay-definio-fecha-hora-lugar.html
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, September 7). Ministerio de Trabajo extiende hasta marzo de 2022 el seguro de paro parcial. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/ministerio-trabajo-extiende-hasta-marzo-2022-seguro-paro-parcial
————. (2021, September 17). Beneficiarios de Desarrollo Social accederán a cursos de inglés de la Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/beneficiarios-desarrollo-social-accederan-cursos-ingles-alianza-cultural
————. (2021, September 22). Desde el 1.° de octubre regirán modificaciones en el seguro de paro parcial para sectores afectados por la pandemia. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/desde-1-octubre-regiran-modificaciones-seguro-paro-parcial-para-sectores
————. (2021, September 27). Préstamo no reembolsable de Japón posibilita implementar telemedicina en salud. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/prestamo-reembolsable-japon-posibilita-implementar-telemedicina-salud
————. (2021, October 1). Gobierno promueve talleres e instancias de intercambio durante el Mes de las Mujeres Rurales y del Agro. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-promueve-talleres-instancias-intercambio-durante-mes-mujeres-rurales
————. (2021, October 28). Gobierno presentó nuevas medidas de apoyo para sectores socialmente vulnerables. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/gobierno-presento-nuevas-medidas-apoyo-para-sectores-socialmente-vulnerables
————. (2021, October 29). El 83% de los estudiantes de UTU aprobó educación media básica durante 2020. https://www.gub.uy/presidencia/comunicacion/noticias/83-estudiantes-utu-aprobo-educacion-media-basica-durante-2020
Governance and Rule of Law Spring 2021:
CNNEspañol. (2021, February 22). Así va la vacunación contra covid-19 en Latinoamérica. https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/02/22/asi-va-la-vacunacion-contra-el-coronavirus-en-america-latina/
Ministerio de Salud Pública. (n.d.). Plan Nacional Coronavirus. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-salud-publica/coronavirus
————. (2021, May 3). Monitor de Datos de Vacunación COVID-19. https://monitor.uruguaysevacuna.gub.uy/
El Observador. (2021, March 22). Vacunacion contra el coivd-19: New York Times pone a Uruguay en la lista de corta de los mas avanzados de las Americas. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/vacunacion-contra-el-covid-19-new-york-times-pone-a-uruguay-en-la-lista-corta-de-los-mas-avanzados-de-las-americas-202132214035
Our World in Data. (2021, May 3). Uruguay: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/uruguay#what-is-the-daily-number-of-confirmed-cases
Reuters. (2021). COVID-19 TRACKER: Uruguay. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/uruguay/
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, March 16). Gobierno abre vacunación a personas de entre 18 y 70 años durante Semana de Turismo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/lacalle-pou-conferencia-prensa-16-03-21
————. (2021, March 23). Lacalle Pou anunció conjunto de medidas para disminuir movilidad y ritmo de contagios de COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/conferencia-medidas-marzo-23-2021
————. (2021, April 23). Cancillería impulsa plan de desarrollo estratégico para revalorizar zonas de frontera. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/cancilleria-impulsa-plan-nacional-de-frontera-perazza.
————. (2021, April 24). Uruguay received donation of medical equipment from Saudi Arabia to combat COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/donacion-equipamiento-medico-arabia-saudita.
————. (2021, April 26). Uruguay received Israeli donation of state-of-the-art equipment to reinforce treatments against COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/uruguay-recibe-donacion-y-medicos-de-israel.
Growth and Innovation Spring 2021:
Banco Central de Uruguay. (2021, February 11). El Banco Central ratificó la instancia expansiva de la política monetaria. https://www.bcu.gub.uy/Comunicaciones/Paginas/COPOM_Comunicado_20210211.aspx
El Observador. (2021, April 6). Qué propone el Proyecto de Astori sobre gravar depósitos de uruguayos en el exterior. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/que-propone-el-proyecto-de-astori-sobre-gravar-depositos-de-uruguayos-en-el-exterior-202146153727.
El Pais. (2021, February 8). Gobierno estima que la economía uruguaya cayó 5,8% en 2020, dijo ministra Arbeleche. https://negocios.elpais.com.uy/noticias/arbeleche-presenta-informe-balance-perspectivas-macroeconomicas.html
————. (2021, March 22). Economía global mejora, aunque volatilidad continua. https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/economia-global-mejora-volatilidad-continua.html
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, February 3). Empresas turísticas contarán con período de gracia para el pago de sus créditos reestructurados. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/amortizaciones-prestamos-creditos-sector-turismo
————. (2021, February 8). Ministra Arbeleche afirmó que apoyo económico a pandemia no impidió cumplimiento de previsiones fiscales. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministra-arbeleche-videoconferencia-balance-perspectivas
————. (2021, April 21). Arbeleche: “No nos vamos a quedar atrás en los apoyos, daremos todos los recursos necesarios para salir adelante”. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/arbeleche-economia-medidas-pandemia-puesta-a-punto.
————. (2021, April 26). Uruguay presentó propuesta de flexibilización del Mercosur. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/conferencia-bustillo-arbeleche-mercosur.
————. (2021, May 1). Gobierno saludó a los trabajadores y anunció medidas para reactivar el empleo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/mtss-mieres-trabajadores-saludo-medidas.
Social and Cultural Inclusion Spring 2021:
La Diaria. (2021, March 8). Colectivos feministas convocan a manifestaciones descentralizadas en un 8M marcado por la pandemia. https://ladiaria.com.uy/feminismos/articulo/2021/3/colectivos-feministas-convocan-a-manifestaciones-descentralizadas-en-un-8m-marcado-por-la-pandemia/
————. (2021, April 16). Coordinadora de ollas populares aceptó convenio con Mides pero “llama la atención” sobre tercerización a ONG. https://ladiaria.com.uy/politica/articulo/2021/4/coordinadora-de-ollas-populares-acepto-convenio-con-mides-pero-llama-la-atencion-sobre-tercerizacion-a-ong/.
Klein, D. (2021, April 9). Ollas populares en Uruguay trabajan sin pausa para saciar el hambre ante la crisis económica a un año de pandemia. https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/video/ollas-populares-uruguay-hambre-palermo-crisis-economica-pandemia-pkg-dario-klein/.
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. (2021, March 8). Marzo: mes de las mujeres. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-desarrollo-social/comunicacion/comunicados/marzo-mes-mujeres-0
El Observador. (2021, February 18). The Independent Party proposes to increase subsidies to informal workers and make the payment of contributions and fees to small businesses more flexible. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/pi-propone-aumentar-subsidios-a-informales-y-flexibilizar-pago-de-aportes-y-tarifas-a-pequenas-empresas-202121821336
Parlamento del Uruguay. (2021, March 8). Parlamento celebró el “día internacional de la mujer”. https://parlamento.gub.uy/noticiasyeventos/noticias/node/93699
Uruguay Presidencia. (2021, April 15). Gobierno promueve donación de plasma de deportistas para atender a pacientes afectados por COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/deporte-plasma-covid-donacion.
————. (2021, April 20). Gobierno destinará 900 millones de dólares al apoyo de sectores más afectados por la pandemia. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/anuncios-medidas-apoyo-pandemia-arbeleche-paganini-bartol-mieres-cardoso.
————. (2021, April 23). Sistema Integral de Protección a la Infancia y la Adolescencia contra la Violencia presentó informe anual 2020. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/sipiav-informe-inau-argimon-abdala-violencia-infancia-ninos-adolescentes.
————. (2021, April 28). Clases presenciales se retomarán en forma gradual a partir del 3 de mayo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/conferencia-lacalle-pou-da-silveira-presencialidad.
Governance and Rule of Law Fall 2020:
BBC. (2020, May 29). Coronavirus en Uruguay: la Singular y Exitosa Estrategia del País para Contener la Pandemia sin Cuarentena Obligatoria. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-52837193
Berkmen, S., Che, N. (2020, July). Uruguay’s Secret to Success in Combating COVID-19. https://blog-dialogoafondo.imf.org/?page_id=13879
Deutsche Welle. (2020, October 23). Uruguay tendrá “verano restringido” y con fronteras cerradas. https://www.dw.com/es/uruguay-tendr%C3%A1-verano-restringido-y-con-fronteras-cerradas/a-55366841
Horwitz, L. (2020, July 16). LatAm in Focus: How Uruguay Got It Right. https://www.as-coa.org/articles/latam-focus-how-uruguay-got-it-right
Ministerio de Salud Publica. (n.d.). Plan Nacional Coronavirus. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-salud-publica/coronavirus
Our World in Data. (n.d.). Total COVID-19 Tests per 100,000 People. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/full-list-cumulative-total-tests-per-thousand-barchart?country=ARG~BOL~BRA~CHL~CUB~ECU~SLV~MEX~PAN~PRY~PER~URY
El País. (2020, October 25). El plan de Uruguay para obtener la mejor vacuna contra el COVID-19. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/plan-uruguay-obtener-mejor-vacuna-covid.html
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, September 1). Uruguay y Brasil firmaron acuerdo para seguimiento conjunto de COVID-19 en fronteras de Artigas y Bella Unión https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/protocolo-binacional-covid
————. (2020, September 25). Operativo de la Policía para las elecciones departamentales contará con 5.532 efectivos. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministerio-del-interior-dispositivo-ante-elecciones-departamentales
————. (2020, October 13). Uruguay adquirirá 1,5 millones de dosis de vacunas contra COVID-19. https://presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/delgado-vacunas-covid-19
————. (2020, November 11). Gobierno vuelve a duplicar monto de tarjeta Uruguay Social y de asignación familiar Plan de Equidad. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/pablo-bartol-reunion-presidente-lacalle-pou-suarez
————. (2020, November 13). Materiales del Grupo Asesor Científico Honorario están disponibles en sección especial de portal de Presidencia.https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/gach-documentos-seccion-especial
————. (2020, November 13). Ministerio de Trabajo lanza campaña de control de protocolos sanitarios por COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/operativo-trabajo-responsable
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 9). Uruguay is a Symbol of Confidence and Security. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/uruguay-es-simbolo-de-confianza-y-seguridad/
Growth and Innovation Fall 2020:
Capurro, A. et al. (2020, May 21). Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Policy Options in Uruguay. https://www.latinamerica.undp.org/content/rblac/en/home/library/crisis_prevention_and_recovery/impacto-social-y-economico-de-la-covid-19-y-opciones-de-politica.html
International Monetary Fund. (2020, November 5). Policy Responses to COVID-19. https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19#P
LaRed21. (2020, November 9). FA: El Gobierno destinará menos presupuesto para educación y creará más cargos de dirección. https://www.lr21.com.uy/politica/1437441-fa-el-gobierno-destinara-menos-presupuesto-para-educacion-y-creara-mas-cargos-de-direccion
El Observador. (2020, March 20). Gobierno Destinará US$22 Millones para Reforzar Planes Sociales. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/gobierno-destinara-us-22-millones-para-reforzar-planes-sociales–2020320213410
El País. (2020, October 6). Seguro de paro parcial: cuándo se podrá tomar licencia y cómo se calcularán los días. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/mieres-presenta-proyecto-ley-regular-licencias-regimen-seguro-parcial.html
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, September 9). China expresó voluntad de aumentar la compra de productos uruguayos, afirmó Lacalle Pou. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/lacalle-pou-china-expo
————. (2020, September 10). Uruguay restablecerá en breve conectividad turística con Europa. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/cardoso-conectividad-entervista-comunicacion-presidencial
————. (2020, September 14). Equipo económico presentó las medidas implementadas por el Gobierno para incrementar el crecimiento y el empleo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/almuerzo-asociacion-rural-azucena-arbeleche
————. (2020, October 29). Gobierno definió conjunto de medidas para operadores turísticos y consumidores durante la temporada estival. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-turismo-interno-plan-verano
————. (2020, November 11). Bajó a 85.000 el número de trabajadores en seguro de paro durante octubre. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/mieres-baja-seguro-paro
————. (2020, November 12). Gobierno anunció subsidio de 330 millones de pesos a empresas de transporte colectivo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministerio-de-transporte-subsidio-a-empresas
————. (2020, November 13). Este lunes 23 estará disponible el sistema de préstamos garantizados por el Estado para el sector turístico. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/arbeleche-turismo-economia-siga-prestamo-garantia
————. (2020, November 13). Banco República presentó programa de beneficios para promoción de turismo interno. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/brou-recompensa-turismo-beneficios
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 22).Uruguay Chosen by Google and Apple to Fight Coronavirus.https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/uruguay-elegido-por-google-y-apple-para-luchar-contra-el-coronavirus/
Social and Cultural Inclusion Fall 2020:
La Diaria. (2020, June 1). El Impacto Económico del Coronavirus en las Mujeres: Desde la Pérdida de Ingresos a la Crisis de Cuidados. https://ladiaria.com.uy/feminismos/articulo/2020/6/el-impacto-economico-del-coronavirus-en-las-mujeres-desde-la-perdida-de-ingresos-a-la-crisis-de-cuidados/
LaRed21. (2020, October 11). Crece número de personas que pide asistencia al MIDES. ¿Cómo se solicita la canasta de emergencia? https://www.lr21.com.uy/comunidad/1435934-canasta-emergencia-mides-como-solicitar-ministerio-de-desarrollo-social
Latin America News Dispatch. (2020, October 28). Uruguay Teachers Protest Against Budget Cuts To Education. https://latindispatch.com/2020/10/28/uruguay-teachers-protest-against-budget-cuts-to-education/
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. (2020, November 4). Acerca de las consideraciones de la CIDH. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-relaciones-exteriores/comunicacion/noticias/acerca-consideraciones-cidh
El País. (2020, October 27). Paro y movilización de funcionarios públicos y enseñanza contra “ajuste” presupuestal. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/sindicales/funcionarios-publicos-ensenanza-realizaran-movilizacion-proyecto-presupuesto.html
————. (2020, November 7). Darán cursos en la UdelaR para nivelar a la generación COVID-19. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/daran-cursos-udelar-nivelar-generacion-covid.html
Taylor, A. (2020, September 11). First monument to global victims of pandemic expected to be completed by mid-2021, firm says. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/09/11/coronavirus-covid-live-updates-us/
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, March 28). Gobierno Anuncia Medidas para Evitar Aumento de Casos de Violencia de Género durante la Emergencia Sanitaria. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/coronavirus-medidas-violencia-genero
————. (2020, October 1). ANEP implementará desde febrero tutorías para fortalecer aprendizajes de estudiantes desvinculados o con vulnerabilidad. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/anep-febrero-tutorias-silva-aprendizajes-desvinculados-vulnerabilidad
————. (2020, October 26). Instituto Nacional de Carnes contribuye con alimentos al sistema de comedores del país. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/inac-ayuda-inda-comedores
————. (2020, October 27). Plan Ceibal implementó nueva modalidad educativa para clases de inglés durante la pandemia. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ceibal-ingles-folgar-virtual-docentes-educacion
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 8). First in the Region to Resume Face-to Face Education. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/el-primero-de-la-region-en-retomar-la-educacion-presencial/
————. (2020, June 16). Digital Culture: Uruguay’s Advantages in Times of COVID-19. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/plan-ceibal-y-cultura-digital-ventajas-de-uruguay-en-tiempos-de-covid-19/
Governance and Leadership Summer 2020:
BBC. (2020, May 29). Coronavirus en Uruguay: la Singular y Exitosa Estrategia del País para Contener la Pandemia sin Cuarentena Obligatoria. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-52837193
Berkmen, P. & Che, N. (2020, August 4). Uruguay’s Secret to Success in Combating COVID-19. MercoPress. https://en.mercopress.com/2020/08/04/uruguay-s-secret-to-success-in-combating-covid-19
El Pais Salud. (2020, June 19). Coronavirus en Uruguay: Cantidad de Casos, Curva de Contagio y en que Departamentos hay Pacientes.https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/coronavirus-uruguay-departamentos-hay-casos-confirmados.html
FACTUM. (2020, may 4). Monitor Coronavirus- Ola 3- Informe 1: Evaluación de Actuación el Gobierno y Acuerdo con Medidas Tomadas. https://portal.factum.uy/publicaciones/2020/pub200504a.php
Horwitz, L. (2020, June 12). Uruguay’s Luis Lacalle Pou and his Pandemic Honeymoon. Americas Society Council of the Americas. https://www.as-coa.org/articles/uruguays-luis-lacalle-pou-and-his-pandemic-honeymoon
Lammertyn , M. & Werner, F. (2020, May 28). In Brazil’s Shadow, laid-back Uruguay Curbs COVID-19. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-uruguay/in-brazils-shadow-laid-back-uruguay-curbs-covid-19-idUSKBN2340EG
Ministerio de Salud Publica. (n.d.). Plan Nacional Coronavirus. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-salud-publica/coronavirus
Our World in Data. (n.d.). Total COVID-19 Tests per 100,000 People. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/full-list-cumulative-total-tests-per-thousand-barchart?country=ARG~BOL~BRA~CHL~CUB~ECU~SLV~MEX~PAN~PRY~PER~URY
Padgett, T. (2020, July 6). Small Uruguay is Big Proof that Public Health can Contain COVID-19. WLRN. https://www.wlrn.org/post/small-uruguay-big-proof-committing-public-health-can-contain-covid-19#stream/0
The Dialogue. (2020, June 16). How is Uruguay Avoiding the Worst of COVID-19? https://www.thedialogue.org/analysis/how-is-uruguay-avoiding-the-worst-of-covid-19/
Universidad de la República Uruguay. (2020, June 18). Webinar del IECON: Impactos del COVID-19 en Uruguay. Políticas en Época de Pandemia (webinar). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTqZ0ZrZwWI
Universidad de la República Uruguay. (2020, July 6). Miradas desde la Crisis Aportes desde la FCS (webinar). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQnrQDfht-U
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, May 14). Campaña Nos Cuidamos entre Todos Donó al Sistema Nacional de Emergencias 80.000 Tapabocas. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/nos-cuidamos-entre-todos-dono-+sinae-80-mil-tapabocas
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 9). Uruguay is a Symbol of Confidence and Security. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/uruguay-es-simbolo-de-confianza-y-seguridad/
Growth and Innovation Summer 2020:
America Economia. (2020, June 22). Uruguay Aprovecha su Buena Imagen Inicia Proceso para Emisión de Bonos en el Exterior. https://www.americaeconomia.com/economia-mercados/negocios-industrias/uruguay-aprovecha-su-buena-imagen-e-inicia-proceso-para
Capurro, A. et al. (2020, May 21). Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Policy Options in Uruguay.
El Observador. (2020, March 20). Gobierno Destinará US$22 Millones para Reforzar Planes Sociales. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/gobierno-destinara-us-22-millones-para-reforzar-planes-sociales–2020320213410
El Pais. (2020, July 23). Unas 20.000 Personas Fueron Despedidas desde la Irrupción del COVID-19, dijo Mieres. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/personas-despedidas-irrupcion-covid-dijo-mieres.html
International Monetary Fund. (2020, July 17). Policy Responses to COVID-19. https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19#P
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 22).Uruguay Chosen by Google and Apple to Fight Coronavirus. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/uruguay-elegido-por-google-y-apple-para-luchar-contra-el-coronavirus/
Social and Cultural Inclusion Summer 2020:
La Diaria. (2020, June 1). El Impacto Económico del Coronavirus en las Mujeres: Desde la Pérdida de Ingresos a la Crisis de Cuidados. https://ladiaria.com.uy/feminismos/articulo/2020/6/el-impacto-economico-del-coronavirus-en-las-mujeres-desde-la-perdida-de-ingresos-a-la-crisis-de-cuidados/
Universidad de la República Uruguay. (2020, May 5). Aportes de la UDELAR para Pensar la Situación Carcelaria (webinar). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGI0BJVaa0E
Universidad de la República Uruguay. (2020, May 15). Respuestas Imprescindibles Frente a las Formas Nuevas y/o Agravadas de la Vulnerabilidad Socioeconómica Asociadas al COVID-19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_fvzh6lhHE
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, March 28). Gobierno Anuncia Medidas para Evitar Aumento de Casos de Violencia de Género durante la Emergencia Sanitaria. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/coronavirus-medidas-violencia-genero
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 16). Digital Culture: Uruguay’s Advantages in Times of COVID-19. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/plan-ceibal-y-cultura-digital-ventajas-de-uruguay-en-tiempos-de-covid-19/
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 8). First in the Region to Resume Face-to Face Education. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/el-primero-de-la-region-en-retomar-la-educacion-presencial/
See archived resources
BBC. (2020, May 29). Coronavirus en Uruguay: la Singular y Exitosa Estrategia del País para Contener la Pandemia sin Cuarentena Obligatoria. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-52837193.
Berkmen, S. & Che, N. (2020, July). Uruguay’s Secret to Success in Combating COVID-19. https://blog-dialogoafondo.imf.org/?page_id=13879.
Capurro, A. et al. (2020, May 21). Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Policy Options in Uruguay. https://www.latinamerica.undp.org/content/rblac/en/home/library/crisis_prevention_and_recovery/impacto-social-y-economico-de-la-covid-19-y-opciones-de-politica.html.
Deutsche Welle. (2020, October 23). Uruguay tendrá “verano restringido” y con fronteras cerradas. https://www.dw.com/es/uruguay-tendr%C3%A1-verano-restringido-y-con-fronteras-cerradas/a-55366841.
La Diaria. (2020, June 1). El Impacto Económico del Coronavirus en las Mujeres: Desde la Pérdida de Ingresos a la Crisis de Cuidados. https://ladiaria.com.uy/feminismos/articulo/2020/6/el-impacto-economico-del-coronavirus-en-las-mujeres-desde-la-perdida-de-ingresos-a-la-crisis-de-cuidados/.
Horwitz, L. (2020, July 16). LatAm in Focus: How Uruguay Got It Right. https://www.as-coa.org/articles/latam-focus-how-uruguay-got-it-right.
International Monetary Fund. (2020, November 5). Policy Responses to COVID-19. https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19#P.
LaRed21. (2020, October 11). Crece número de personas que pide asistencia al MIDES. ¿Cómo se solicita la canasta de emergencia? https://www.lr21.com.uy/comunidad/1435934-canasta-emergencia-mides-como-solicitar-ministerio-de-desarrollo-social.
————. (2020, November 9). FA: El Gobierno destinará menos presupuesto para educación y creará más cargos de dirección. https://www.lr21.com.uy/politica/1437441-fa-el-gobierno-destinara-menos-presupuesto-para-educacion-y-creara-mas-cargos-de-direccion.
Latin America News Dispatch. (2020, October 28). Uruguay Teachers Protest Against Budget Cuts To Education. https://latindispatch.com/2020/10/28/uruguay-teachers-protest-against-budget-cuts-to-education/.
Lissardy, G. (2021, March 16). Cómo Uruguay pasó de ser una excepción en la pandemia de coronavirus al país con mayor tasa de casos nuevos en América Latina. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56412203.
MercoPress. (2021, February 23). Uruguay starts inoculation campaign March first with Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines. https://en.mercopress.com/2021/02/23/uruguay-starts-inoculation-campaign-march-first-with-sinovac-and-pfizer-vaccines.
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. (2020, November 4). Acerca de las consideraciones de la CIDH. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-relaciones-exteriores/comunicacion/noticias/acerca-consideraciones-cidh.
Ministerio de Salud Pública. (2021, January 29). Cadena logística preparada para campaña de vacunación contra COVID-19. https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-salud-publica/comunicacion/noticias/cadena-logistica-preparada-para-campana-vacunacion-contra-covid-19.
El Observador. (2021, March 6). Arbeleche: “El Verdadero logro para la igualdad esta en impilsae el cambio cultural”. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/arbeleche-el-verdadero-logro-para-avanzar-en-la-igualdad-esta-en-impulsar-un-cambio-cultural–2021351880.
————. (2020, March 20). Gobierno Destinará US$22 Millones para Reforzar Planes Sociales. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/gobierno-destinara-us-22-millones-para-reforzar-planes-sociales–2020320213410.
Our World in Data. (n.d.). Total COVID-19 Tests per 100,000 People. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/full-list-cumulative-total-tests-per-thousand-barchart?country=ARG~BOL~BRA~CHL~CUB~ECU~SLV~MEX~PAN~PRY~PER~URY.
El País. (2020, October 6). Seguro de paro parcial: cuándo se podrá tomar licencia y cómo se calcularán los días. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/mieres-presenta-proyecto-ley-regular-licencias-regimen-seguro-parcial.html.
————. (2020, October 25). El plan de Uruguay para obtener la mejor vacuna contra el COVID-19. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/plan-uruguay-obtener-mejor-vacuna-covid.html.
————. (2020, November 7). Darán cursos en la UdelaR para nivelar a la generación COVID-19. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/daran-cursos-udelar-nivelar-generacion-covid.html.
————. (2021, February 18). Unicef afirma que Uruguay recibirá vacunas de AstraZeneca vía Covax en primer trimester. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/unicef-reafirma-uruguay-recibira-vacunas-astrazeneca-via-covax-primer-trimestre.html.
————. (2020, October 27). Paro y movilización de funcionarios públicos y enseñanza contra “ajuste” presupuestal. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/sindicales/funcionarios-publicos-ensenanza-realizaran-movilizacion-proyecto-presupuesto.html.
————. (2021, February 20). Tres dudas y tres certezas a una semana del comienzo de un nuevo año de clases. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/tres-dudas-tres-certezas-semana-comienzo-nuevo-ano-clases.html.
————. (2021, February 24). En comienzo de clases sindicato de UTU definió paro de 24 horas. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/comienzo-clases-sindicato-utu-definio-paro-horas.html.
————. (2021, March 23). Coronavirus: en 10 días se duplicaron los brotes en la enseñanza. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/educacion/coronavirus-dias-duplicaron-brotes-ensenanza.html.
Prensa Latina. (2021, February 17). Concern in Uruguay over loss of perception of Covid-19 risk. https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=64572&SEO=concern-in-uruguay-over-loss-of-perception-of-covid-19-risk.
Taylor, A. (2020, September 11). First monument to global victims of pandemic expected to be completed by mid-2021, firm says. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/09/11/coronavirus-covid-live-updates-us/.
Uruguay Presidencia. (2020, March 28). Gobierno Anuncia Medidas para Evitar Aumento de Casos de Violencia de Género durante la Emergencia Sanitaria. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/coronavirus-medidas-violencia-genero.
————. (2020, September 1). Uruguay y Brasil firmaron acuerdo para seguimiento conjunto de COVID-19 en fronteras de Artigas y Bella Unión. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/protocolo-binacional-covid.
————. (2020, September 9). China expresó voluntad de aumentar la compra de productos uruguayos, afirmó Lacalle Pou. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/lacalle-pou-china-expo.
————. (2020, September 10). Uruguay restablecerá en breve conectividad turística con Europa. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/cardoso-conectividad-entervista-comunicacion-presidencial.
————. (2020, September 14). Equipo económico presentó las medidas implementadas por el Gobierno para incrementar el crecimiento y el empleo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/almuerzo-asociacion-rural-azucena-arbeleche.
————. (2020, September 25). Operativo de la Policía para las elecciones departamentales contará con 5.532 efectivos. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministerio-del-interior-dispositivo-ante-elecciones-departamentales.
————. (2020, October 1). ANEP implementará desde febrero tutorías para fortalecer aprendizajes de estudiantes desvinculados o con vulnerabilidad. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/anep-febrero-tutorias-silva-aprendizajes-desvinculados-vulnerabilidad.
————. (2020, October 26). Instituto Nacional de Carnes contribuye con alimentos al sistema de comedores del país. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/inac-ayuda-inda-comedores.
————. (2020, October 13). Uruguay adquirirá 1,5 millones de dosis de vacunas contra COVID-19. https://presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/delgado-vacunas-covid-19.
————. (2020, October 27). Plan Ceibal implementó nueva modalidad educativa para clases de inglés durante la pandemia. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ceibal-ingles-folgar-virtual-docentes-educacion.
————. (2020, October 29). Gobierno definió conjunto de medidas para operadores turísticos y consumidores durante la temporada estival. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-turismo-interno-plan-verano.
————. (2020, November 11). Bajó a 85.000 el número de trabajadores en seguro de paro durante octubre. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/mieres-baja-seguro-paro.
————. (2020, November 11). Gobierno vuelve a duplicar monto de tarjeta Uruguay Social y de asignación familiar Plan de Equidad. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/pablo-bartol-reunion-presidente-lacalle-pou-suarez.
————. (2020, November 12). Gobierno anunció subsidio de 330 millones de pesos a empresas de transporte colectivo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministerio-de-transporte-subsidio-a-empresas.
————. (2020, November 13). Banco República presentó programa de beneficios para promoción de turismo interno. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/brou-recompensa-turismo-beneficios.
————. (2020, November 13). Este lunes 23 estará disponible el sistema de préstamos garantizados por el Estado para el sector turístico. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/arbeleche-turismo-economia-siga-prestamo-garantia.
————. (2020, November 13). Materiales del Grupo Asesor Científico Honorario están disponibles en sección especial de portal de Presidencia. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/gach-documentos-seccion-especial.
————. (2020, November 13). Ministerio de Trabajo lanza campaña de control de protocolos sanitarios por COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/operativo-trabajo-responsable.
————. (2021, February 4). Cambio de estrategia permitió que Ceibal en Inglés capacitara a 95.000 niños y jóvenes en 2020. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ensenanza-idioma-ingles-uruguay-pedagogico-primaria-secundaria-utu.
————. (2021, February 4). Escuelas de Verano culminó con altos niveles de asistencia y acompañamiento pedagógico. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/escuela-verano-acompanamiento-sextos-asistencia-pedagogico-primaria-centros-aprendizaje.
————. (2021, February 8). Educación Pública dispondrá de nuevos espacios para garantizar mayor presencialidad. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/anep-nuevos-espacios-educativos-onfi.
————. (2021, February 8). Gobierno mantiene abiertas líneas de garantías para el acceso al financiamiento por la emergencia sanitaria. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/sistema-de-garantias-estatal.
————. (2021, February 9). Ministerio de Educación y Cultura reabre museos con espacios controlados y libres de COVID-19. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/reapertura-museos-cultura-protocolos.
————. (2021, February 22). Uruguay contará con más de 2 millones de dosis de vacunas contra el COVID-19 en marzo. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/conferencia-lacalle-pou-plan-vacunacion.
————. (2021, March 19). Ministerio de Trabajo clausurará en forma preventiva empresas que incumplan protocolos sanitarios. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/trabajo-clausura-preventiva-incumplimiento-protoclo-sanitario-mtss.
Uruguay XXI. (2020, June 8). First in the Region to Resume Face-to Face Education. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/el-primero-de-la-region-en-retomar-la-educacion-presencial/.
————. (2020, June 9). Uruguay is a Symbol of Confidence and Security. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/uruguay-es-simbolo-de-confianza-y-seguridad/.
————. (2020, June 16). Digital Culture: Uruguay’s Advantages in Times of COVID-19. https://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/en/news/article/plan-ceibal-y-cultura-digital-ventajas-de-uruguay-en-tiempos-de-covid-19/.
Werner, F. (2021, March 22). Uruguay confirms presence of Brazilian COVID-19 variant. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-uruguay/uruguay-confirms-presence-of-brazilian-covid-19-variant-idUSKBN2BE361.